I’m not sure if what is happening is just my high sex drive or if I’m going crazy. Lately, I’ve been extremely needy, for lack of a better word. My (30M) fiancé and I (28F) have sex on a regular basis. Our sex life is amazing, so I’m not concerned about that. I’m concerned about my level of neediness lately. It’s too the point that I’m starting to annoy him and upset myself with how I’m acting. I’ve tried masturbating and it’s not enough. Also, it’s not just the sex that I need. If I could have his penis just straight chillin’ in my pussy, I would just to feel full of him. I don’t know how to cook myself down or why I’m acting like this. I’m practically begging for sex daily, multiple times a day. My fiancé has expressed his disinterest and annoyance with me. How do I fix it? 🙁

  1. Well, you could always consider the possibility of having an open relationship…

  2. In my experience (M65) your libido levels need to be pretty close. If they are so far apart that masturbation augmentation isn’t enough, then it’s time to move on. I wish there was a better solution.

  3. Why is it I can never find women like you lol! My guess is you’ve already spoken to him yes? What exactly did he say that showed disinterest?

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