Hi, so I’ve (newly 19F) been talking to this guy (20-21M) for just over two months now. I myself am a virgin and am looking for someone that will stick around for a bit. Being surrounded by hookup culture, I’m mainly wondering about how to move forward with the situation and assess if he’s at all serious.

We met at uni in a coding class and have been messaging each other everyday. We obv like each other and our personalities go well.
He’d asked me to go out with him a few times and I end up meeting up with him at a club. It’s not too surprising to meet up there but it is definitely not a serious environment. This particular club was good for chatting tho and we were on and off making out the whole night.
He told me his last relationship was a two year relationship two years ago and I suspect he has been in a party phase and with quite a few women casually since (he is quite charismatic). In saying that, two months of talking to someone who isn’t really attractive (I’m a bit bigger than most) is a bit of effort for a hookup and his friends seemed to know of me and were really sweet talking us up the whole time.

Before we left I told him I was a virgin and wasn’t comfortable with doing anything (in those exact words). He was super sweet about it and still decided to come back to my place. He lightly tested the boundaries a couple times tho. I personally don’t have a problem with that but I’m more concerned it’s a sign that it was the only thing he was interested in. We ended up cuddling etc (which I think we both enjoyed) well into the next day and he left not long after we woke up from a 2 hour sleep. We both tried to get each other to go to other friends parties on the same night the next weekend but decided it was too hard and made lose plans to go out again with each other sometime soon.

We are still talking a week later (tho the convo is in a bit of a lull atm) and I’m thinking I’ll probs still talk to him, maybe meet up again but I’m going to be a bit guarded and sus out the situation and sus what he’s looking for. You see, most of my friends seem to form relationships with guys only after they have been hooking up for a while which doesn’t seem to really be an option for me.

Ohh and weird thing. When we were cuddling he asked me if I loved him??!! I asked him to repeat it and then just responded with ‘love is a strong word’. But is that like a kink or spur of the moment?? Is he trying to see if I’m clingy?? Maybe it’s a dare?? Red flag??

TLDR; nice guy in a party phase and hookup culture. Talking for over two months, went clubbing with him, he was respectful when I told him I was a virgin and wasn’t comfortable with doing anything. Still decides to come back to my place. We cuddle and make out and are still talking but I don’t know how to move forward being surrounded by hookup culture and what his expectations may be.

  1. From what I’m gathering there isn’t much to go off of. It could really go either way. To me the biggest hint is how much he is pushing things when you guys are fooling around. If he keeps trying to see how far he can get then maybe I’d start thinking that he just wants to move past that point. Or maybe he’s just used to things going that way with other women and he’s not used to taking it slow.

    How bad would it be for you to actually go through with it? Is it something very important for you or did you just want it to be something special with the right person? Or are you mainly just worried that he’ll lose interest after that point?

    My wife was a virgin when I met her and she had originally said she wanted to wait until marriage, which I wasn’t overly crazy about but I went with it and saw how I felt. The months went by and things were good but we ended up getting pretty hot and heavy one night and she seemed really into things and we ended up doing enough to where it counted as sex. She later felt a little bit of remorse for it as she didn’t really intend for it to happen then but we ended up getting married some time later so at least it was with the person she ended up marrying. I was in no rush to dump her because she wanted to wait or anything. It wasn’t even in my mind.

  2. Honestly, I say wait until you’re in a committed long term relationship before having sex.

    Unfortunately, most men don’t really care how things effect you- as long as they can have sex one time they couldn’t care less

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