So I was on Instagram where I saw this girl randomly liked my old pic. I liked hers back and she liked another pic and we went on for about 3 pic to where I realized she’s interested and dmed her. She seemed relatively interested but then the night came and our convo ended. After that I didn’t text her and she didn’t text me, she just liked my last message and didn’t respond. I tried to text her id say a week later saying “Heyy hope everything going good for you” and she didn’t respond. It’s been 7 hours but she’s definitely active as she done multiple things to prove she’s active. I’m not sure if I should unsend my messages and remove her off my IG since she’s basically showing he’s not interested anymore or should just wait it out and wait even if she doesn’t bother responding. I don’t usually get left like that so idk two to react wether I should just unsend the messages and remove her from IG and move on cause I don’t have a problem with that, or should give it a day or so and if nothing happens just leave it with the intention she’s not interested

  1. The more anxious you are about other people and the more you care so much about other people in terms of receiving their attention, time, reassurance, approval, validation either online/offline, the more needy and desperate you will become for them and the less likely people will reciprocate and associate with you. People notice the way you act and carry yourself around them. They can sense your anxious vibes. They know when you are overly attached to them and heavily dependent upon them for online/offline attention. Your actions tend to show it. The tell tale signs are you texting/calling them way more than they are to you, and you being anxious, emotionally reacting, and confronting them when they don’t give you attention, time, reassurance, approval, validation either online/offline for whatever reason. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation. They gravitate towards somebody who is self confident, brings positive vibes in conversations, and is well rounded enough in life to not depend on others.

    You need to become genuinely busy in your life focusing on your hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side in real life. Find something you enjoy doing in life and keep doing that overtime. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

  2. Don’t unsend or unfollow just let it sit and if you reallyyy feel like it message her later in the future one more time

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