I said I would do a striptease/dance for my bf but have never done one before.

Has anyone done one and got any tips?

Or has anyone received one and got any advice on what to do or not to do?

Thank you!

  1. Be relaxed, no tension, no expectations, make him feel completely comfortable, no fast dancing, nice and slow gyrating, smile lovingly, make it intimate, be confident but not overly so (sounds like that won’t be an issue, good), look him in the eye, take off your clothes slowly, and then proceed from there.

    No worries, your bf will be very happy with whatever you do. Good for him and good for you.

  2. As a guy, I can assure you there is no wrong way to do this…I’m sure most men would enjoy it no matter how it plays out. Just be confident in yourself…even if you can’t dance just own it and go with it. Every guy I know would be so turned on just by the thought of his girl making this effort.

  3. Don’t think like you can’t touch during this fun. Sit on his lap and put your arms around him. Maybe let him help with a shoulder strap or a tug on your panties etc. let him participate if you want!!

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