A few months ago, I (19F) was dating someone I met from a subreddit. Things went well, until the end and it only lasted a month. They were the first person I took interest in who reciprocated my feelings.

I’ve been dating for a month now from Reddit again. He’s a good person, but he just doesn’t excite/interest me like the last. I keep comparing others to the previous one, even though we didn’t have similar mindsets in the end. I just really enjoyed his personality and we had a lot in common.

I planned on meeting my partner (23M) in September, once he’s situated and moved to his apartment. He’s only a state away and we aren’t that far from eachother. The only thing is, I’m not sure if I should wait that long.
I like him, but not as much as my previous partner, he’s too relaxed/goes with the flow too much for me, I have to keep asking him to put more effort in/suggest things we can do together online, and he said he’s fine with having kids in the future, but would rather not (due to mental health issues and how the world is, which is understandable). I forget we’re dating occasionally and have the urge to meet someone else instead. Even if things go well between us, we wouldn’t be able to be in same state/live together for years because of his medical license only allows him to work in his state and I still have to get through college.

As I’m writing this out now, it just seems like this is all futile at this point. I might just be afraid of being alone after the experience I had with my previous partner, even though everything was online and very fleeting. I’m wondering if meeting people in person would be easier than this. I would honestly prefer to meet someone in real life now, possibly. If I do meet someone in college, I would possibly end things with him anyways, and if he were to find someone at work or anywhere else, it would probably be the same for him.

I guess I’m feeling disinterested in him because I don’t see this as being practical?

  1. How the help do you meet someone and start a relationship through Reddit. Am I missing something? Ladies 26m here 😂

  2. No, you should be interested in the people you date.

    Yes, absolutely date people in real life in college. In fact, if your college has its own subreddit, you could stick to Reddit-dating from that pool, so you can date them in real life too.

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