So I’ve been talking to someone through Instagram for about 4 years. We talk on and off, just to check in once in a while. I wouldn’t say we’re close, but we’ve had some deeper conversations before. He’s a musician and I’ve been to some of his gigs, but we’ve never talked in person (he was busy before the gig or it was never a good time). But tomorrow, I’m going to a more relaxed gig of his and he wants to chat there.

I have so much anxiety about it because I am so awkward in person and I often freeze up and don’t know what to say. I find it hard to be myself at times because I’m constantly aware of how others might perceive what I say. I’m scared that it’s going to be a super awkward experience for both of us and I’ll end up mortified.

Has anyone done this before? What advice would you give? And what tips do you have for keeping in-person conversation going?

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