I’ve never eaten meatloaf in my life. Yes I’ve seen it on TV. I think it is ground meat seasoned and made in an oven!

How cost effective!

I really want to make one but I want to make it like an American. One that you will get in America.

I am British so may not have same ingredients

I would love to hear what a typical meatloaf has! PLEASE DIRECT. ME TO some useful recipes or realistic recipes.

I also would like to know what your family like to eat it with.

Thank you!

  1. There’s a recipe on the Lipton dried onion soup mix that is pretty standard.

    The basic gist is ketchup, onion soup mix, bread crumbs, a little water, and ground beef.

  2. 1.5 lbs ground beef, 1 egg, 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 cup milk. That’s the basic, easy recipe I’ve always used. Then there are countless ways that people dress it up. I like to add onion powder, garlic salt, pepper, and just a bit of Worcestershire. You just mix all that into a loaf.

    For the topping, some people do just plain ketchup, some do BBQ sauce…I like to do 2 parts ketchup to 1 part Dijon mustard. Brush it on and then bake everything for 1 hour at 350 degrees. I’ll be honest, I don’t know what units need to be converted here, lol.

  3. This is my family recipe. I like it a lot

    2 lbs ground beef

    1/2 cup breadcrumbs w/Italian seasoning

    1 egg

    1 cup milk

    1 teaspoon salt

    1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (optional)

    1/4 teaspoon pepper

    1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

    a squirt of mustard

    Mix all ingredients (I mix with my hands because it’s easier — but a little gross).

    Form into loaf

    Bake in ungreased pan uncovered in 350 degree oven about 90 minutes


    Mix a big tablespoon of flour in about a cup of water. (mix well)
    After you take the meat out of the pan, pour water/flour mixture into pan with meat drippings. Cook on stove top (high heat) stirring constantly (make sure you stir to bottom of pan).
    Add more flour if too thin…..more water if too thick.

  4. “I also would like to know what your family like to eat it with.”

    Mashed potatoes!

  5. I don’t think I know anyone who makes meatloaf tbh. I don’t think it’s a thing that’s made up in movies but I haven’t seen it as a thing people talk about making like they would other recipes

  6. Ok ok ok ok ok ok I’m literally making meatloaf tonight and I’m so excited to share my great grandmother’s recipe!

    3lbs meat, half ground beef, half ground pork (or equal part beef, veal, and pork)

    2 eggs

    Cup of bread crumbs

    2/3 cup ketchup

    4 tbsp dried minced onion

    4 tbsp milk

    1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

    Salt & pepper

    8 oz can tomato sauce. (Just an regular ass can)

    Put all ingredients together in a bowl except for tomato sauce. Mix with your hands and form a loaf. Put loaf in a baking dish and bake at 350 F (180 C) for 45 min, pour tomato sauce over the meatloaf and bake another 20 minutes.

    Make it with mashed potatoes and peas (or whatever sides).

    My family (my mother’s half) is Italian so the sauce for this meatloaf is obviously a red tomato sauce. Many Americans do a brown gravy, which is just butter, flour, and beef broth simmered until thick, with onions or mushrooms whatever you want.

    Also this feeds like 5-6 people so feel free to half it.

  7. I have a recipe that I’ve tinkered with over the years but it started with something like this:


    Definitely not the traditional, but it’s a healthier alternative and we all enjoy it a lot.

    I serve it with mushroom gravy, and for the leftovers, I make this sandwich:

    A slice of meatloaf that will cover your bread, on top of that two sandwich slices of dill pickle. On top of that, thinly sliced cheese. Microwave that hot while bread toasts. Mayo on the bread, slide the hot stuff on the sandwich, top with lettuce and tomato.

  8. My father loves meatloaf and “taught” me to make it multiple times (meaning he had me make it so he wouldn’t have to get his own hands dirty. This is basically what his recipe is:

    Take an amount of hamburger meat (a pound or three). Add a raw egg. And crushed saltine crackers. Make sure they are crushed real fine. Maybe half a sleeve. Add some salt and pepper. Mix all this up good.

    Then add some chopped onions and bell peppers, if you like them. Mix up real good and shape like a loaf. Put tomato sauce on top. Cook until done.

    Yes, I know it’s a horribly written recipe. But i wrote this like this like I receive any recipe I get from my family (no amounts. Very basic hints at direction.).

  9. So I’m one of those people who don’t measure anything for my meatloaf. I just throw it in and mix it up. I can guestimate how much of what I use, but who really knows…

    2.5-3lbs (I just grab two 90/10’s out of the fridge at the store) of ground beef

    1 cup of Italian seasoned bread crumbs

    1 cup of ketchup

    1 egg

    Uhh…I guess 2 teaspoons of salt (just looked at my measuring spoons and either 1.5 or 2 seems good)

    1.5-2 teaspoons of pepper

    2tsp garlic powder

    1-2 tablespoons of parsley, basil, McCormick’s Hamburger seasoning, and McCormick’s Italian seasoning (again, I just add what feels right, I don’t measure anything.)

    1/4 cup of honey

    Mix it all very well until you can make a giant meatball in your hands. If it seems on the loose side, add a little more breadcrumbs, if it feels stiffer or dryer, add more ketchup, but only a tiny bit either way. Ketchup can wet up the meat fast, and breadcrumbs can dry it out fast, too. Plop it into the dish, tuck it in on the sides, drizzle some honey over the loaf and bake it for 80-90 mins at 350. It kinda depends on the weight of the meat. If it’s a solid 3lbs definitely 90 mins, but if it’s like 2.5lbs then 80 mins is fine.

    I’ll make my meatloaf with mashed potatoes and corn.

  10. My mom always put cream cheese in the center and tomato sauce, NOT KETCHUP, on top

  11. I use:
    – 1 lb ground beef
    – 1 lb ground pork sausage. NOT breakfast sausage.
    – 1 box stovetop stuffing
    – ketchup and bbq sauce to taste
    – 2 eggs
    – dried minced onions or chopped raw onions if you’d like

    Mix all together, including the ketchup or bbq sauce. Bake in loaf pan at 375 for about an hour or until done. You do not need to add any additional salt or seasonings because of the sausage and the stuffing mix.

  12. Counter question: how would you make a meatloaf to fit a British palate?

  13. 1 pound 80/20 ground beef, 1 pound sausage, 1 sleeve crackers ground to crumbs, 1-2 eggs, onion powder, garlic powder, dry orgango, Worcestershire sauce, maybe a splash of milk if it seems too dry. Combine but don’t overmix. I don’t use a loaf pan. I use a 13×9 pan and just make the mixture loaf shaped in the center. Grease will run off and you get more crispy edges which are my favorite. Cover with ketchup and bake at 375F for an hour or so.

    I usually make baked potatoes (sweet if I can get them), green veg and a salad.

  14. I’m giving measurements, truthfully I eyeball most of the ingredients.

    3 lbs 90% lean ground beef,
    1 lbs ground pork,
    2 eggs,
    1 cup bread crumbs or butter cracker cumbs (Ritz) or salteen cracker crumbs (Premium) , oat meal and rice can be used too,
    1 large onion finely diced,
    1/4 cup milk,
    1 cup ketchup
    1/3 cup worcestershire sauce,
    1/4 cup brown sugar,

    In a large mixing bowl combine beef, pork, eggs, bread crumbs, onion, milk, 1/2 the ketchup, 1/2 worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Mix well by hand.

    Place on rimmed, lined baking sheet and form into a loaf.

    Place in a 350° preheated oven for 1 1/4 hrs.

    Mix together the rest of the ketchup, worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Spoon over weatloaf and place back in oven for another 10 minutes or until the meatloaf is done.

    Elevate it by using an outdoor smoker instead your oven, keeps from heating up the kitchen or house.

    Serve with mashed potatoes and green veggie of you choice.

    It freezes well, slice into portions and freeze. You’ll have left overs for another couple of meals.

  15. My meatloaf isn’t any special recipe. My glaze though is the reason people love my meatloaf it’s a BBQ sauce base with mustered, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic. I add the glaze and cook it for another 10-15 minutes

  16. You’ve gotten a lot of recipes already, but it’s made me realize how many different ways meatloaf can be made! Here’s my family’s recipe:

    1.5 lbs ground beef (sometimes we use bison)
    1 15-oz. can tomato sauce (I don’t know what size cans you have there, but it’s a pretty forgiving recipe that doesn’t have to be perfect)
    1 egg
    1 cup (85g) quick oats
    1 package Lipton onion soup mix

    Mix all these ingredients together and then press into a loaf pan. Spread ketchup on top and bake at 350F (175C) for 1.5-2 hours, until the top has browned (but not blackened). The ketchup gets caramelized on top, it’s so good and not as acidic/tangy as ketchup straight out of the bottle.

    We eat meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a vegetable such as roasted asparagus or steamed green beans.

  17. Couple pounds of ground beef, put it in bowl. Add chopped onion, breadcrumbs, milk, eggs and spices. Mix together with hands, form into a log. Place of aluminum foil lined baking sheet, make at 350° F until its done. Serve with mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables.

  18. I like to use ground turkey or ground chicken (simply not a big beef fan). Put the meat in a big mixing bowl, and spice away- i never measure and it’s usually different depending what I have available: cumin, paprika, parsley, s&p, chili flakes.

    Add any diced veggies, onion, carrot and celery are best.

    Add one or two raw eggs. And panko breadcrumbs.

    Mix well (usually clean hands work best for mixing), put into greased (or put parchment paper with an overhang) bread loaf pan. Bake at 350F for about 30 minutes.

    THEN: after 30 mins, cover the loaf with a mix of brown sugar and chili sauce (pre-mixed together- ketchup works if you don’t have chili sauce). Bake another 30 minutes.

    Excellent served with some kind of potato dish – mashed, baked, french fries.

    Enjoy! – Richmond, Virginia

  19. I do it different.

    1lb ground beef
    1lb ground pork
    1 cup bread crumbs (Or uncooked rice or oats)
    1 cup milk
    2 eggs
    1 bell pepper minced
    1 onion minced
    1 Roma tomato.. small chop
    2 clove garlic minced
    A squirt of ketchup
    Salt and Pepper

    Mix thoroughly.

    Place in oven at 350 for one hour covered in foil.

    Remove after one hour. Remove foil, cover in ketchup.

    Return to oven for 30-45 minutes.

    Pour off grease. Rest for 20 minutes or so.

    Let me know if you try it. For Americans it’s well liked.

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