My ex bf from 5 years ago sent me a message out of the blue . Said he missed me and the things we did -camping , fishing . So he invited me up for the night to go fishing . We went from 3-9 and came back and cleaned up. I thought we were getting along really good and it was nice to get out with someone familiar . He asked if I wanted to spend the night and got really quiet when I said I already had a ride coming . Then the next week we texted a bit and tried to make plans to fish again. I said I would be done work around 2 and could ask or find a ride up to his place for around 3 or so. He then replied back well I’m going fishing at 3 or 4. So I’m not sure what he meant, I interpret it as: ‘if you make it great, if you don’t oh well.’ I thought it was kind of ignorant, and he asked me to stay the night but didn’t offer me a ride, so I couldn’t make it in time. And now since then, he’s stopped talking to me. Was he just looking for an easy lay? What do you guys/gals think ?

  1. He did not get what he wanted so he went and pouted about it and cut contact with you.

  2. He’s using you maybe for a one night stand

    Don’t trust him, just block and move on with your life

  3. I think he was indicating that he would wait until 4:00 if needed.

    Also, he’s not sure how you feel about the situation, so he’s leaving the situation open-ended, to see how you respond

    Are you open to a romantic situation with him, either a one-night stand or a fresh start to a new relationship?

  4. He is your Ex BF.
    What do you want out of this thing? Friendship or a relationship?
    You have to be clear with yourself.
    As far as he is concerned, he most probably just wants to pass the time and play with u.

  5. Dude obviously wants to get laid

    Do you want to date him again? Do you want to sleep with him? If not I have no idea why you’re doing this

  6. Yeah he’s doing this to simply get laid.

    Don’t waste your time.

    I had an ex who kept using me for sex and I thought we were falling back in love. Turns out it was just me holding onto things!

    You deserve better, please don’t let this man use you.

  7. “My ex bf from 5 years ago sent me a message out of the blue . Said he missed me…”

    “He asked if I wanted to spend the night and got really quiet when I said I already had a ride coming”

    That pretty much tells you all you need to know.

    Clearly, he was hoping to hookup with you again.

  8. The thought of being in the same room as my ex makes my stomach churn

  9. Forget this guy…he’s playing games and looking only to hook up. Lesson I’ve had to learn one too many times- you can never go back. It ended for a reason…find someone worthy of you.

  10. Fuck him 😂 he didn’t get any like he thought he would and now he does this shit. Don’t waste your time.

    Us men do shit like this

  11. He was trying to manipulate you into sleeping with him.

    Otherwise he would have had no issue with just hanging out.

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