I got a girls number from the gym and we have been texting now for 2 weeks. At first she was responding maybe an hour later but the past few days she has been responding the next day.

Does this mean she’s losing interest? The confusing part is that she always answers and when she does answer she seems interested and asks questions to keep the conversation going. I haven’t asked her out yet because I’d rather do it in person but I haven’t seen her since I got her number because I went on a vacation with my friends

  1. Assuming you don’t want to be her penpal, just gotta take the plunge and ask her out over text.

    She’s probably slowly but surely losing interest.

  2. Real question is why did you not ask to do something? Girls don’t want to be your pen pal.

  3. Let’s say, there is a line between you showing interest and losing interest and you get into her safe zone, you gotta ask her out before she puts you in her safe zone since you haven’t asked her out!

  4. It’s mind blowing to me how if you don’t text back immediately, it’s assumed you’re not interested? I’m not sure of your respective ages but I am guessing you’re both either working, studying, socialising and have families. People get busy. After a shift (or a double shift), errands and whatnot, I sometimes don’t even check my phone after maybe two full days. Don’t fret! Relax! She is still responding! People have some days that are busier than others.

  5. Probably because it’s been 2 weeks and you haven’t asked her out. I would start fading too.

  6. So not texting back until the next day is losing interest but you not asking her out for two weeks means you’re still interested?

  7. Haha well it’s hard to maintain interest in someone I saw once at the gym a few weeks ago and who’s basically just pixels on my smartphone at this point.

    I would’ve tried calling or facetiming at least once over those two weeks, and whether you did that or not, I’d avoid wasting more time and ask her out now. You’re sleeping *on* her when I suspect you’d rather be sleeping *with* her.

    Also in general, women won’t care if you ask them out over the phone, especially when you asked for her number in person. But even if you didn’t, she still wouldn’t care. She’ll say yes if she likes you.

  8. I agree with everyone here! Ask her out! Getting a girls number is fine, you did that in person and that is fine. There is nothing wrong with asking her out over text, that’s part of the reason you got her number. I promise once you ask her out and you guys spend some time together out of the gym you’ll find some common ground and your worries of communication or rather lack there of, will disappear.

  9. Bro it’s been two weeks, are you playing chess or ping pong- pick up the pace 💀, she’s probably got other people to talk to or things to attend to which excite her more. Make your move

  10. Most likely she’s losing interest. Maybe work is busy and she doesn’t have time to talk. Maybe she doesn’t want a penpal. Asking them to get lunch is a decent way to gauge any interest.

  11. Idk if it’s losing interest but personally as a woman I loathe the daily texting. It’s so annoying, why would I give you the time of day if we haven’t even had a DATE yet? It’s like we’re nothing more than pen pals until there is an actual date.

  12. You shouldn’t be texting for two weeks without making a date. I think you are failing and she’s losing interest. You need to move faster.

  13. I do this.

    It’s exhausting sometimes to text really quickly, hour after hour. Sometimes there’s only so much you can say y’know? I mean over 2 weeks, I’d expect it to reduce.

    I would just arrange to meet up now. I mean it’s not like you’re on holiday for another 2 weeks, right?

  14. She’s fading you because you haven’t asked her out and she knows you never will at this point.


    >I haven’t asked her out yet because I’d rather do it in person but I haven’t seen her since I got her number because I went on a vacation with my friends

    How would she know you want to ask her out in-person? See it from her perspective. Here’s an idea. Ask her out on a date, so you’ll get to see her in-person, and then you can ask her out on a date.

  15. Some people are slow texters. I know I often take a day or so, esp if it’s nothing that require immediate reaction. Personally I prefer to write back when I have a calm moment to sit down and think over my response. It could easily just be the same thing here, and her getting more comfortable, and not a big deal. Ofc, nothing stopping you from making a move anyway haha

  16. Probably just busy. Comes off as needy and pointless to expect text replies multiple times a day or every day especially if it’s not going anywhere. I’ve had people try to monopolize my time with texting. Also, do your male friends give you instant replies? Do you always need that for reassurance? Or do some of them pick right back up with the text conversation when they wake up, or when they have time, or when they’re done playing video games, or not with other people. Whatever, same should apply.

  17. I thinks she in her world and fall asleep. That is why she forget to reply your text.

  18. She might just be too busy I wouldn’t look too much into it as long as she’s still responding but I would just ask her out

  19. I would say that she lost interest. You have been texting her for 2 weeks and haven’t asked her out.
    She’s maybe not interest to just texting with you. Ask her out and spend some time with her.

  20. If it’s been two weeks and she’s responding the next day it means she’s probably already had a few dates with other people, possible a few dicks inside of her already

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