so it’s kinda weird because there’s this girl in school who’s like trying to be my best friend but in a VERY weird way. idk if this counts as dating advice but i just need help because i am completely straight and in no way interested. i thought she was just looking up to me but she says things like her weekends are hard because she can’t see me and she tells me she misses me a lot, and tells me how “gorgeous” i am EVERY TIME she gets the chance. she also tells me how if she was a guy she would date me. the thing is, i don’t want to assume anyone’s sexuality but i kinda need to know because i want to have personal boundaries. ANY HELP APPRECIATED!!!

  1. Sounds like maybe both…..she likes you but is being weird. Maybe just tell her those comments make you uncomfortable. Hopefully she will back off.

  2. Regardless of whether she likes you or not (it really seems like she does though), you need to establish boundaries here right now because you are the adult in this situation and she is a child. I don’t think I need to explain to you why. Firmly let her know next time she brings anything like that up again that she shouldn’t be talking about you like that because it’s inappropriate, and that you don’t want to hear it. Maybe encourage her to find more friends of her own age so that she’s not obsessing over you so much because, again, inappropriate

  3. Are you uncomfortable with this in general ? Or are you uncomfortable because you think she’s hitting on you ?

  4. She’s 15 and inexperienced with life. She’s trying to be more adult than she is. And all teenagers are aliens, so she’s just dealing with all that, too. A lot of it is portraying herself in a way that she thinks is appropriate, but it’s obviously not.

    Tell her she’s making you uncomfortable and guide her towards more appropriate ways of expressing herself. Give her tips on how to best communicate with a crush and tell her about the kinds of guys you’re interested in (be explicit about being straight). Model the behavior you want to see.

  5. She probably has a crush or thinks you’re cool. Kids have harmless crushes all the time on people they see as role models, celebrities, etc. But it’s up to the adult to react in the proper manner, don’t think anything of it and treat her as a platonic friend. Just see it as a platonic compliment, hyping you up. Don’t be weird about it or percieve it in an odd way, she’s just a kid.

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