what are the downsides of dating you? (opposite of yesterday’s post)

  1. I go to bed at 8:30. I prioritize sleep over everything. I don’t like to go out and I don’t really like being around people.

  2. I can be incredibly weird, I don’t make any noise when moving around so I will definitely scare the crap out of you and I’m like an octopus when I sleep

  3. Well my reply to the other post was that the perk of dating me is that I’m ugly and can’t leave them for someone else, so idk how to top that on the negative side.

    Joking aside, probably that even though I’m extroverted, I’ll need a lot of alone time. If I have one single person around me too much or hitting me up every single day, I’ll feel suffocated, no matter how much I love them. This really isn’t something I’m able to compromise with, so someone dating me would have to be of a similar type, which might be hard to find for a monogamous LTR.

    I also won’t sleep with someone until we’re in a committed relationship. Probably not too popular, I’d imagine.

  4. My competitive nature. I’ll be competing in everything, be it gift-giving, or sexual pleasure, or financial contribution etc.

  5. I’m very clingy and need constant assurance from my partner that they don’t hate me or aren’t using me. I also suck at cleaning and I’m very moody.

  6. I work with kids so some days I will come home exhausted and be asleep by 9:30 whether I want to or not.

  7. I can be clingy at times. I am also afraid to drive ( even tho I have driver’s license ) so my partner usually drives us everywhere.

  8. I have extremely stressful health conditions and I will not leave the house alone.

  9. I don’t have my own group of friends.. I’m not very good at socialising, and on top of that I’ve moved around quite a bit at the time when kids make friendships.. That left me with a couple of people eather in a different country or in a different part of a country

  10. I am short temptered. I am assertive and not a very agreeable person, at least, not as much as most men expect women to be. I am a not very feminie as well 😅

  11. I have aggressive love language,I can’t help but bite,hug very tightly,squeeze cheeks or arms. I also have maternal love language,which I consider more as a toxic trait,I like to take care of my partner and baby them.

  12. I’m a low energy, introverted person (it’s not for everyone), and although I have a job that’s flexible and pays well, when I do need to work it’s an insane and volatile time suck.

  13. Autoimmune disorder that requires insulin, I can be a little unhinged and annoyed at times, cynical, and I think I ponder way too much.

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