As for me (22M), I always struggle to find cues that indicate someone’s attraction. Is it a smile? A laugh? A gaze? Someone told me the conversation with someone is the indicator of attraction. How is this indicator of that?! People are too hard to read :'(

I will appreciate all the advice.

  1. You have to notice that somebody will ask questions about you or with examples, answers, etc. If somebody constantly calls you by your name or nickname sort of. Also if somebody is on the phone and says something on example “Just let me check shortly, about this, that.” and than you both have eye contact, I mean again you have eye contact like previously you had and it comes to interrupt with that I said. When you talk with somebody they constantly have eye contact at you and you both have it. And also making efforts for going out, hang out together.

  2. Key point is you never even have to chase people who are interested in you. Those interested in you will respond to your attempts to contact and hang out and actually make the time for those things happen (at worst, both parties will find some mutually convenient later time down the road if one is unavailable for whatever reason). During conversations, they are noticeably engaged and enthusiastic when talking, they listen and pay attention to you, ask you questions, and allow you to express yourself freely. That positive energy is matched and reciprocated both ways. It’s that simple and obvious to know when somebody is interested in you.

    To get people interested in you naturally, you have to be self confident and bring positive vibes first and foremost. This essentially means you need to make people feel good and comfortable around you. Working on your in person social skills is a must. You need shift the focus from seeking attention, approval, validation, reassurance, etc to learning how to genuinely connect with people. You need to ask people questions, listen and pay attention to what they say, and express yourself confidently with the same energy when it is your turn to speak. People want to be felt and heard. People also attach you subconsciously to the value you bring. They like those who tangibly impact their lives. Maybe a skill, talent, hobby you have aligns with their interests. Bring it up and offer to help people. People will always love and respect somebody who can directly impact them. They love somebody who does constructive things in life besides just talking to them.

    Here is one common reason why a lot of people lose respect from others. The more anxious you are about other people and the more you care so much about other people in terms of receiving their attention, time, reassurance, approval, validation either online/offline, the more needy and desperate you will become for them and the less likely people will reciprocate and associate with you. People notice the way you act and carry yourself around them. They can sense your anxious vibes. They know when you are overly attached to them and heavily dependent upon them for online/offline attention. Your actions tend to show it. The tell tale signs are you texting/calling them way more than they are to you, and you being anxious, emotionally reacting, and confronting them when they don’t give you attention, time, reassurance, approval, validation either online/offline for whatever reason. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation. They gravitate towards somebody who is self confident, brings positive vibes in conversations, and is well rounded enough in life to not depend on others.

    So You need to become genuinely busy in your life focusing on your hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side in real life. Find something you enjoy doing in life and keep doing that overtime. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

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