i am new to regular sex. i’ve only recently had my first time with my boyfriend. sex is great! and the sex with him has been really great and really fun and really sexy. we’ve been trying new things together. but i can’t help but notice every time it goes in it really hurts. we do foreplay before hand, lots of it. when he goes in, it hurts and then it’s fine after about two minutes, then it starts to feel really really great. but every time he goes inside of me it really hurts, even if we just did it about two seconds ago. it feels like a burn almost. i tried to googling what it could mean but i just got a bunch of medical problems which i guess could be a reason but they also psyched me out so i wanted to come here and ask if that’s relatively normal or if it’s like that for anyone else. it also feels sore afterwards. thanks!

  1. If you give it some thought, what is it more exactly that is uncomfortable?

    Is it as if there is irritation/chafing?

    Or is it more like a muscle that doesn’t want to make room for him?

    Or as if the skin ain’t stretching enough on it’s own, kind of thing?

    Is it right around the opening, or further in, that it hurts?

  2. You may want to use lube, even if you feel wet. It shouldn’t hurt like that every time you have sex. You may want to see a gynecologist as well. Not a bad idea now that you’re sexually active.

  3. It sounds like some muscles are tensing up which means that u need to relax and well take your time with the foreplay and the lubing (in whatever way works best for u) make sure it’s ready before he goes in and enjoy! A thing that helps me relax is music, specially sexy music. Drink tons of water too, a dehydrated body means a dehydrated vagina.

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