Well she’s visiting me and she wants to take a walk in my hood. The thing is, I’m anxious about ppl judging me bc I’m hanging out with “grandma”. And I feel like she will have ulterior motive in embarrassing me by asking me ” what do I want at the market?” As if I need anything from her. I don’t feel 100% comfortable around this person but to keep face I have to entertain her. She’s insisting to go out with me during her visit here. How should I handle her and also people judging us?

My community is tight knit.

Edit: I’ve had similar experiences with her where she took me to a grocery store and ask me many times if I wanted something. I refused cuZ I don’t impose on ppl and take charity. But everyone on the store was judging me as if I depend on her.

  1. Sometimes the generous option is to let someone else be generous. Your great aunt isn’t trying to buy you things because she thinks you can’t provide for yourself, but because it makes her feel good to treat you. She won’t be around forever. Value the time you have together and fuck the haters.

  2. You may be overthinking this. No one is going to judge you when your great aunt wants to buy you things at the market.

    Everyone already jokes that their grandmothers won’t let them get away without feeding you as is, it’s just expected behavior from older relatives. My great aunt buys me big boxes of chocolates and soda and also occasionally sends me $50 for no reason other than that she’s an old lady and that’s just what they do lol

    Now I don’t know the whole situation you have with your great aunt but from what you’ve written it just sounds like an ordinary old woman trying to spoil what’s virtually her grandchild, doesn’t seem like an ulterior motive is there imo. Sometimes you have to accept that bit of kindness even if it’s a tad annoying since you won’t have her forever

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