What item have you purchased solely for the purpose of impressing others?

  1. I been brainstorming for a couple of minutes & honestly can’t think of anything. My favorite things that I own are all things I keep in my room & not many have seen my room. I’m coming up empty. I purchase things to delight & please myself

  2. I guess super intense push up bras. The ones that go beyond giving your boobs a comfortable little shelf to sit on and have maximum lift that gets uncomfortable after a few hours.

  3. Absolutely nothing. Even popular things I got as a kid/teen I genuinely wanted and did not care about impressing others.

  4. Make up. I like when people notice my efforts in my make up and compliment me on them lol. I would be fine either way with no compliment, but a compliment is a “yesssssss, someone sees my effort” haha

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