I’m 24. After me and my wife have sex, once I cum, my penis won’t even go back up till the next day, doesn’t matter if we have sex at nite or in the morning.

Its annoying, how do i fix this?

  1. Come on… This has to be a joke.. at best I had sex again after 10mins from the first time

  2. You may be 24 but your dick is 44. Seriously…this is not anything unusual.

  3. Talk to a doctor and see what they say.. Im 50 and I can usually go for round two in about 30 mins or so..

  4. Gym, especially running, made me a nympho. I can understand maybe an hour or something but the next day damn, you might honestly just have a low sex drive? Do you feel completely satisfied after like right though to the next day?

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