What important lesson did a close relative teach you?

  1. As cynical and brutal as it sounds, my brother told me

    “There will come a time in your life where the only person you can count on is yourself”

    And he was right.

  2. Own your shit. Own your apartment, own your car, invest from your salary. Do not count on any man to provide for you, because if something happens you’ll be left with basically nothing.

    She had gone through a divorce from a wealthy man, and knew what she was talking about. She wasn’t bitter, but wanted us to understand the importance of financial independency when in a relationship.

  3. The blood of the covenant really is thicker than the water of the womb.

  4. My dad always told us “not everyone is going to like you so you might as well keep being yourself”.

  5. My mom always said, “if your momma can’t tell you that you look fat in that dress, who can?”

    She’s right, cuz I didn’t want her opinion, or anyone else’s for that matter. If your momma can’t say or do it… you ain’t gotta allow anyone else on the planet to. Be you. Make your own rules.

    I wear crop tops that I’m completely uncomfortable wearing, just because I know my mom WANTS to say something… but fashion says fat can rock anything now, so she can’t argue with me.

  6. May 2021: I was visiting one of my cousins for her wedding. I had rented a car. My uncle and I were in my rental at one point, en route to a restaurant. Uncle said: “You’re following the car in front of you a bit too closely, hang back a bit.”

    June 2021: I was in a domino-style car pile-up back in my home state.


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