Although I’ve been doing a better job of being content or even sometimes excited about being single, some days or weeks are harder than others. Except for a friend with benefits situation that lasted a couple months, I have been single for about 8 years.

I am someone who really really appreciates others company. Fortunately I work in a place with lots of other great people, and if it wasn’t for this job I would be pretty deprived of social interaction. When the weekend comes, I do get to see friends sometimes, but usually I spend most of the weekend by myself. I used to go out on hikes by myself, but have just lost the motivation after solo hike after solo hike after solo hike. I guess I just believe if I found a partner I wouldn’t feel so lonely on so many of my weekends. I really crave the companionship. Most of my friends either live too far away to see easily on the weekends, work an insane amount and are never available, or have partners themselves and don’t have time to hang out because they’re with them.

If anyone has any words of wisdom or encouragement it would be greatly appreciated. This weekend has been harder than most have been recently.

  1. Try to join charities, do events, and social clubs. Your more likely to meet people you click with better.

  2. You aren’t alone . I’m 25 (f) and have never had a bf or been on a date. The weekends are lonely as a majority of my friends have bfs and the ones that don’t are always busy. I’m really sick of being lonely myself 😫

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