I’m 5’7 and dating a girl who is 5’2. She likes being really submissive and loves feeling small. She seems pretty satisfied since I’m pretty muscular, but obviously my height isn’t the greatest. She said she doesn’t really care.

But I’m really insecure about my hand size. I guess from thumb to pinkie it’s 8.5’’? But I know she loves big hands, but I feel like I come up short. I think on facetime she saw me washing my hands and said something about me having cute hands. I wasn’t sure if I heard her right and asked what she said and she pretended to not remember. Now I just feel insecure about not being masculine enough. Any advice?

TLDR: Insecure about having smallish hands and that my gf doesn’t think I’m masculine enough

  1. First of all, kind of creepy to call her “submissive and small” online.

    Second, if she does thinks you’re not manly for your HANDS, then why do you want the relationship.

    My thought: she’s not critical of your hands and it’s all your insecurities creeping up

  2. I know you’re probably looking for some magic words on how what to say to make her admire your hands, or how to make your hands bigger, but the only honest answer is that you shouldn’t care and that’s only something you can change by doing some work on your insecurity around masculinity.

  3. You have literally zero reason to think that SHE has an issue with your hands.

    Stop inventing things to be self-conscious about. Especially things that you can’t change. It takes real mental gymnastics to get from “you have cute hands” to “she doesn’t like my hands.”

    By the way, constantly asking your partner to reassure you about things like your height or your hand size is a great way to make them enjoy being with you less.

    If she backed off when you asked her about the hand comment I’m willing to bet it’s because the insecurity was practically dripping off you and she didn’t want to upset you because, clearly, you have a whole minefield worth of insecurities about your physicality.

  4. Don’t stress it, you’re obviously a lot bigger than your girlfriend and she should like you a package. Everyone has some physical stuff that isn’t their partners absolute ideal but it doesn’t matter at all.

  5. My advice would be to stop worrying about it. It’s as simple as that. You only hurt yourself by choosing to keep thinking about it when I can guarantee she really doesn’t care like that.

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