So currently have had a really hard time with the fact that my girlfriend of many years wants a threesome with another guy and I get it she does not want to do anything without me there because she understands ya it’s a turn on for me I just enjoy group sex but there’s one issue she’s got really bad jealously issues and can’t let me sleep with another woman I’m officially getting sleepless nights over this and I’m worried that I’m losing my girlfriend I don’t know what to do my self esteem is literally crumbling and what makes it all harder we run a very successful business together I’m not sure because she’s getting her wants and needs but I’m not getting mine is this more toxic than it seems

TLDR my girlfriend is wanting to sleep with other guys but won’t let me sleep with another woman (threesomes only) nothing solo

  1. It’s completely fine to have a “half open” relationship if that’s what you want. She wants to have sex with another man, and if you’re okay with that, do your thing. If you’re only okay with that if you get to have sex with another woman, then you’re not really okay with it and I wouldn’t recommend you open your relationship on either side even if she agreed to it.

    If you don’t want her to have sex with another man, say so. That’s a completely valid boundary to have, and I’d recommend breaking up if she refuses to stay faithful to you.

  2. If your self esteem is crumbling, then this relationship is not working. So, either tell her you need a fully exclusive relationship, since she isn’t okay with you being with anyone else, or break up because this relationship is harming you. It’s okay for a couple to have a half-open relationship if it works for both people, but this does not work for you. So, don’t agree to things sexually that will give you sleepless nights and destroy your self esteem. And if you need an open relationship, that’s okay too. Break up with her and find someone who wants the same thing. Whatever you do, be honest about what you actually need and want in a relationship. Respect what other people need and want. When it doesn’t match up, accept the incompatibility, and move on rather than harming either of you.

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