Men who have been living their entire life in the hometown they grew up in, what makes you refuse to leave?

  1. Theres nowhere better than here. Versatility unmatched. You can see everything. A million different types of people. And if I truly want a change of scenery, driving two-three hours out lands me in a completely different looking and feeling area. A ton of people try to move here every year because theres not many reasons to leave.

  2. Convenience. I get along with my parents, and it’s way cheaper than an apartment while I go to college

  3. I’m waiting for a good time to kill the last on my list. As long as no one else adds themselves I can move on.

  4. Got education in nearby towns, found a job about 20 minutes from my home, friends live close, family also still in same town
    Aside from that, it’s pretty clean, very safe, affordable, local council takes good care of everything…Just a good place to live

  5. Where I live happens to have the highest salary for my profession in the whole country. Family lives close by. And it’s actually a nice place to live, except for the high cost of living.

  6. Who says I refuse to leave? If the right opportunity popped up I’d be gone in a heart beat. But my hometown is also pretty awesome and I have a good setup here. Outside of moving to a major city I’d just be moving somewhere that is exactly the same but somewhere else.

  7. Why do you assume it’s a matter of “refusal”? Like, I have everything I need, there was just no reason to go anywhere else. Didn’t know it was a requirement I was violating.

  8. I see no reason to leave. All my friends who did that always seemed so desperate to go to the city and I never understood it. It’s pretty nice and chill over here.

  9. It’s a major city. Im not against leaving one day but very few places would be an upgrade imo

  10. Money and health.

    I suffered a stroke come up on 10 years ago, and I just feel better staying with family who can take care of me if I suffer another stroke. The only difference there is between my childhood and now is that I now have a bedroom downstairs instead of upstairs because it sucked going down stairs with one side of your body paralyzed and no one else was home.

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