Hi guys. Recently I got matched on Hinge with this girl that was really pretty. She turned out to be an actress, like a upcoming one in my country. We talked for a span of three weeks, talking about our similar music tastes and just hitting it off really well on text in general.

We decided to meet up last Friday, and I felt like everything went well. I usually do not pull a lot of moves on the first date. For me it was not even that clear that it was a date, more like a first meeting. During the date, she got recognised by a kid and took a photo with the kid. I was pretty shook, but calmed down afterwards.

So, when I waved her goodbye, I asked her a few hours later if she wanted to do something in my city next time. She answered that she wanted to be honest and she said that she felt a friendly vibe with me. I agreed and said that it does not have to go that quickly right? Which to she responded that she would rather be friends. I agreed again, as I felt she was a really chill person in general and we had a lot in common.

But now when I text her she does not even respond. I feel like this happens a lot when girls tell you they want to be friends, but do they really? Do I need to give her space? Although she is the one who put me in the friendzone?

TLDR; girl said she wants to be friends. I agreed, but she ghosts me afterwards. Is the friendship something I have to keep hope for?

  1. > . I agreed and said that it does not have to go that quickly right?

    She said she is not interested in a romantic connection with you at all, not saying she does but she wants to go slow.

    If you are holding out for a romantic connection then you are not friends and she will sense that and pull away.

    Right now it sounds like that’s the case.

    Having a crush and waiting around and taking whatever level of a connection you can get while wishing it was more isn’t a friendship.

  2. She lied to avoid confrontation. She does not want a romantic relationship with you nor is she actually interested in friendship.

  3. Chances are this was a polite rejection on her part and not a genuine offer for friendship, however, even if she were literal about wanting friendship with you, the way you initially responded would have put her off anyway.

  4. Please respect her decision. She didn’t feel the chemistry and that’s should be it.

    Don’t contact her anymore. Be graceful and walk away.

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