I want to make some friends but everyone says in order to do that you need to talk to people. The problem is I can’t do that, If I try to talk to some random person about anything I freeze up like a deer in headlights. Even when I go to places full of people with similar interests I shut up like a silent film actor. I have no idea where to even begin making friends or talking to people.

Should probably mention, 21 AMAB, college student

  1. Assume everyone knows more than you on at least 1 subject. When you share something. Ask them if they have something that makes them feel similar to how good ur hobby/ interest makes you feel then divulge everything you know about their chosen subject. Go from there don’t worry if they find you weird we are all weird to someone

  2. Take smaller steps. Instead of starting with talking, you can start with other forms of expression first.

    The key is to be comfortable with expressing yourself and who you are 🙂

    It could be singing, dancing, drawing – if you’re more artistically inclined.

    Texting people instead of meeting them face to face. Or saying hello to people you meet.

    Starting anywhere is better than getting stuck, so keep going OP.

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