I’m 22 I have a job and live on my own there is this girl at church who is 21 one night we were at her place I told her how beautiful she was and then we slept together it was her first time but I slept with a lot of people before she wasn’t a good fuck to be honest. She sang a love song in front of the church and asked me out I bluntly told her “no” and she started crying and ran away (common sense should tell you that you shouldn’t sing a song for your crush in public not knowing what his reaction is going to be). But my church members found out I like older women 9, 10, 20 years older than me and they are trying to physically stop me we were all talking in a room and I simply said “We aren’t friends I don’t need your help” and that was it. And again we aren’t friends we just meet at church and then leave we aren’t friends. They keep bothering me to date her (the girl that sang the stupid song), they take my phone, they keep calling me, texting me etc. I told them straight up that I like older women I don’t like her we aren’t friends and they need to mind their own business. What should I do?




TLDR: What can I 22M do about my church members 22MF?

  1. Time to find a new church.

    Or maybe just stop going to church, period. It doesn’t sound like the teachings are really rubbing off on you anyway.

  2. Why couldn’t you say that you like older women before you had that 22F in your bed? This is your own fault. Apologize to the woman, but explain you just want to be friends and stop dating people in your church. As long as you use that as dating pond you invite the peanut gallery.

  3. If that was actually her first time you can’t say she isn’t a “good fuck.” That’s not fair bro.

    Other than that I think you should find a new church. These people are insane.

  4. Were you upfront with her before you had sex that you only liked older women and that it would onlu be a ONS? It sounds a lot like you took advantage of her naiveté, then blamed here when you lost interest.

    Honestly, having the church ladies come after you seems like an hilarious and well deserved penalty.

  5. I pray God makes your penis useless! Idc how. I just really wish he would make it to where you can’t have sex ever again.

  6. So…do you go to church just to hit on women and lead them on until you fuck them?

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