The England Euros win (congratulations) made me wonder how such great accomplishments are celebrated around Europe.

In Denmark, the homebound plane of the athlete or team representing the nation will be escorted by jet fighters, once it enters Danish airspace. They will be brought to the Copenhagen city hall and led up to a balcony over the square outside where the crowds will chear them on and have a party. They also get some special pancakes

  1. In Romania, no one cares about you, if the media is doing its job and post something and it goes viral you may be called to the prime minister for a handshake and some bonus, cash of about 10.000 euro, but nothing more or fancy.

  2. Football or Rugby team win? probably an open top bus tour for most of the cities in the UK, or national teams like the Lionesses.

  3. For Olympic/major sports (football, field hockey, F1) athletes: An audience with the King, Prime Minister and Minister of Sports and often a celebration in their home town with the Mayor attending. I have heard of the Prime Minister personally congratulating athletes by phone during an tournament.

    In the case of football, and this goes for amateurs and professionals, the winning team makes a tour through town on top of a truck or open bus and supporters gather at some field or square to celebrate them. Usually with a lot of alcohol involved.

  4. For major team sports, directly after winning the title we meet at the marketplace, jump into a fountain naked, climb statues, and drink beer until dawn.

    Once the champions fly home they might have fighter jet escorts upon arrival. People will cheer them at the airport and later on at the said market place with a stage for the team and some mainstream rappers and/or singers who are there to provide music for the party and to promote their careers.

    For individual athletes, we cheer them upon their arrival at the airport, and later on their local council will give them some pats on the back and a piece of land from buttfuck nowhere.

  5. If you are into sports you view them as kings, all I know in France when they won the football cup they got to go down the champs elsyées with a bus i used to take twice every working day.

  6. National teams of norway hardly win anything (exception might be woman handball team).. and single athletes are normally not that big to make that kind of fuzz. If it is a skier, it’s just another gold (norwegians are tired of ski championship becoming “national championship”).

    Though it has happened that the airport crew gives the flight with the winner a [water salute]( with 2 fire trucks at the airport pouring water ower the plane when it has landed. Normally they will get a reception at their local place.. Few athletes comes from the capital, so many just travel with connecting flight to their home towns/districts.. or with their cars..

    When it is olympics, the king normally host a reception after the olympics for all those who have participated in the olympics.. both winners and non-winners.

  7. I think the player or players would be escorted around their home town on a bus and a crowd will be cheering

  8. The local teams get to parade around the largest square in the city. Winners of major events like the Olympics, the world cup and world baseball league usually have a meeting with the king and are knighted for their efforts.

  9. Its unprecedented in England (whole UK tbh) to win a football tournament – but people will likely just get drunk and sing.

    Thats what we did when we won the rugby world cup.

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