I always find it interesting which stickers you can find on visible spots like lanterns around different cities. Besides the obligatory local football club, which stickers are common in your country or city? What do they mean? Is there a special story behind them?

  1. In bigger cities and university cities you will see many stickers with logos from student associations (Dutch students’ social life mostly happens within associations; some are like fraternities; others focus on a specific field of studies or ethnicity or interests like sports, theater, music, literature and politics). In many cities neofascists (FvD) and conspiracy theorists are putting their stickers over those from leftists and vise versa. A socialist platform called [De Rode Lap](https://derodelap.nl/product-category/stickers/) (‘The Red Rag’) makes all kinds of leftist merge for real cheap and you can find their stickers on many light poles all around the country.

    It also not uncommon to encounter stickers from some local business or football fans.

  2. 1. „Nett hier. Aber waren sie schonmal in Baden Württemberg?“ Nice here. But have you ever been to Baden Württemberg (a German state)

    2. Refugees welcome

    3. Way of St. James

    4. All kinds of political stickers although in my experience more left than right

  3. In Hungary we have a lot of stickers
    from the two tailed dog party with texts like: eternal life, free beer.

    Random football club stickers.

    And we have many cars (sadly) with a great Hungarian map, with texts like: romania doesn’t exist, we won’t forget, trianon must be deleted, etc

  4. Local football club… maybe in cities with a team worth a damn, for liga 3 ones however, nobody bothers.

    Instead it tends to be either generic football ultra stuff or messages like Basarabia e românia or the infinity column, Greater Romania, better dead than red stickers, and in certain cases Celtic crosses or other crypto/open legionary ones.

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