So theres this girl I like a LOT and basically I didnt get the nerve to actually go up and talk to her in person so I decided to text her first. I asked about an assignment from one of the classes we were both in then she responded and talked about how she didnt know what to do either cause she came to class late, so trying to keep the conversation going I said exactly this, “oh lmao did u sleep in late?” because i didnt wanna just say “oh okay” then be left on read. Anyways I thought it seemed like a normal text asking but idk if it is 100% now and now I think I scared her away or she just isnt interested cause she hasnt messaged me back or even looked at the message. Its been about 24 hours since I sent the message back so should I just assume shes not interested and doesn’t wanna talk or that shes somehow busy with something. She doesnt post on instagram often and when I first followed her she didnt follow me back until 8 hours later so maybe she doesn’t use her phone that much but I highly doubt it. My generation hardly is ever off their phone so thats why im assuming she doesnt wanna talk. Shes also pretty popular it seems so probably a bunch of other better guys that are more interesting or better looking than me in her dms. Am I overthinking way too much or is this justified and I should just give up.

1 comment
  1. Did you take a breath whilst composing this message, I think not.
    Anyways, relax man, you’re just gonna have to do it the ‘old fashioned way’. Everything your generation seeks to destroy. Physically go and say Hi. Sorry man that’s the way it is.

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