And if you care to answer, how much would you say is too much? Where is the line that borders into addiction?

  1. Addiction is when it hinders your life or harms you or others in some way. I watch TV for an hour almost every day and most people wouldn’t say I’m addicted. It’s not affecting anything.

    I look at porn for probably 30 mins every other day, (I edge to it, I don’t finish). I save the climax for my partner. It just keeps things interesting and fuels the passion. But I look at very tame porn. Pictures and videos of women with big boobs, both clothed and naked, clothed asses, etc.

  2. It becomes an addiction when it’s causing problems in your life. When you are rejecting your SO because of it, when it’s interfearing with your main relationship. It’s a problem if it’s preventing you from getting work/chores etc done. When you’re spending more money on it than you can afford.

  3. Maybe like once a week…maybe less. I only watch it if I can’t get off in a reasonable amount if time and I usually can

  4. I look at pretty tame porn, pics on the reddit porn subs most the times. Might watch a video once in a while. I used to watch videos every day tho. Never considered it a problem.

    People throw around addiction when talking about porn too easily

    It’s a tool to help you masterbate, that’s it.

    It’s not an addiction unless it’s affecting your life in a negative way aka you can’t get hard without it or you’re negating to do stuff in favor of watching porn.

    Otherwise watching it any amount of time is fine.

  5. Work has taken that energy from me, down to say once or twice every week. That’s not including when I am with my girlfriend. Too much would be when your motivation to work out, drive, or just getting up for work is depleted. I am sure everyone knows that feeling when you have overdone it

  6. Its kinda inconsistent for me. I’ll go entire days or weeks without it and then one day I’ll randomly fall into a 2 hour rabbit hole,granted the videos will be about 45 minutes long but then I’ll be back to not watching for several days

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