I’m a good looking intelligent and fit guy. Frustrated I haven’t found love yet. Starting my school for dental hygiene in January. It’s what I always wanted to do.

  1. First: nobody always wanted to do dental hygiene. Dental hygiene is what people do if they’re too lazy to become dentists.

    Second: I’m a 48 year old single father, and I still date. You’re fine.

  2. You ARE young enough. And congratulations! That first year was fucking HARD for me and involved changing almost every aspect of my life. I will have 29 years behind me next month , and (after a couple of terrible errors in judgment) met my husband about 4 years after I got clean.

    Don’t rush. Work on creating the life you want, then find someone to share it with.

    Hang in there. You’re gonna make it.

  3. Be happy being alone first before jumping into dating. Are you in therapy to talk about triggers that might occur with the stress of a relationship?

  4. Be careful of thinking you are “clean”.
    Remain vigilant and don’t backslide.

    Hope you have a good support network.
    Wish you the best in your clean and sober journey

  5. So proud of you!!!!! Such an amazing achievement wow
    Continue to work on yourself mentally and emotionally before you add the emotions and needs of someone else into your life
    Sending loveee xo

  6. CONGRATULATIONS! I am also so proud of you!

    As a nurse, I can say not many people beat addiction and turn their lives around! You are truly a strong and resilient human.

    AND YES YOU WILL FIND SOMEONE! I’m sure she will be just as incredible as you are!

  7. Of course you are! And you have every right to be proud of yourself. One foot in front of the other! Congrats

  8. 28 is plenty young to turn your life around, meet a great woman, and make a beautiful life together.

  9. Congrats, that is one hell of an accomplishment. I have to agree with what citrus_sugar said; relationships can lead to stress which leads to rebounds. Best to establish your sobriety for awhile before diving into dating and make sure to keep a counselor on hand. (I know that alcohol recovery programs suggest at least a year of sobriety and to never date a fellow addict to avoid relapse)

  10. Congratulations on 9 months being clean. Keep focusing on yourself for now. Get through dental school and go from there. You’re doing awesome. So proud of you! 💃🎊🎉

  11. 28 is definitely young enough. Don’t wanna be mean but honestly anything under 55 is young enough to change your life for the better.

  12. Keep doing it bud. Never look back. As for a caring woman, there are plenty of them, I’m sure, but be careful out there.

  13. It took me to the age of 33 to kick meth and opiates and I’m happy to say I found love three times in the last 7 years. Fate got in the way a couple times but it wasn’t because I was using. Im currently head over heels for a woman who is such a caring and extravagantly witty femme fatale. It’ll happen my friend just continue to grow and heal. Learn from mistakes as they arise. It’s not all going to be roses but it’s so much better.

  14. Congratulations my sober friend!! I’ve been sober for 5 years now and it just gets better and better.

    You will find someone, but please don’t rush into anything. Your recovery must always come first, because without it, you will have nothing else.

    Best of luck to you!!

  15. Yes. Keep doing what you’re doing and she will show up. Do some therapy to keep you on track. 🙂 Psychotherapy is amazing

  16. Wow! I’m so happy for you! My husband turned his life around at your age also. And yes, you’ll definitely find a beautiful and caring woman who will love you!

  17. First I am so proud of you! Recovery is a tough road, recovery from meth is the rockiest. You are definitely capable of turning your life around and being successful both in career and love. Without knowing how long you were addicted it can be hard to tell how long it would take for the physical damage to heal. However, what I know from my research (I have a psychology degree and work in mental health and lots of experience with addiction) it takes approximately 2 years for your brain to fully recover. It will continue to be a rough road but keep moving forward and keep your eyes on the prize. There is an amazing author who has written some amazing books about his own journey, his father wrote a few first during his struggle. Their story is truly amazing, and he has been clean for over 10 years now.

  18. First off, congratulations! That’s amazing! Make sure you work your steps, and don’t ever think you’re cured. You are and will always be an addict, but you continue to work your steps, remain clean, and there’s no holding you back from what you can accomplish! I’ve dated addicts who cleaned up. As long as I know what I’m walking into. I left because they stopped working, and fell off the wagon. They thought they were cured, and it was no longer a problem. It will always be a problem, unless you do the work. Get a support system in place, and be completely honest when you feel the need. It will sneak in, especially during hard times. Be aware of it, and work extra hard on those days. Yes, you can absolutely have a wonderful life with an amazing and supportive partner. I wish you all the best!

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