he’s uncomfortable with having sex when i’m on my period. i’m okay with that, i understand that it’s just his preference and a lot of other people are the same way.

unfortunately, i’ve never felt more ashamed, disgusting, and depressed during my periods because of his preference. it makes me so upset to be on my period that i can’t pleasure him. he can tell if i’m enjoying giving him a blowjob because i usually love to and have fun doing it. i can’t enjoy doing it because i feel so revolting when i’m on my period. i can force myself to, but i know it won’t be as enjoyable for him and i’ll feel horrible afterwards.

should i just work on myself and try to change my thought process so i can pleasure him? should we try to find something that makes us both happy to do when i’m on my period? should we just not do anything sexual when i’m on my period? would i be a bad partner for not giving him blowjobs on my period? am i just being selfish?

i just want to be better for him. i don’t want this to put a strain on our relationship now or in the future. i know it needs to be solved sooner rather than later.

  1. Some guys just don’t like sex during that time of the month.

    Given a choice between period sex or a BJ I would take the BJ 100% of the time. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You can suck him off and most guys would be thrilled with that. If he’s not happy with that then that’s his problem.

  2. Don’t let *his* preference to not have sex on anybody’s period (not just yours) impact *your* self image. It’s not about you personally, it’s his issue.

    Personally I looked forward to it because I really enjoyed helping her out. It often would start the flow which had been stubbornly stuck for days, coupled with all the PMS misery. Giving her relief as well as pleasure was a real turn on for me. It immediately improved both of our lives.

    Some of my partners didn’t want to have sex while on or near their period, which I always thought was a shame, but I respected their preference.

    I’m using past tense because my wife of 38 years had a hysterectomy plus she’s 69 years old now, so those “therapy” sessions are but a fond, distant memory now.

  3. My wife doesn’t not want sex when she is on her period while I would really like. So she gives me BJ or HJ.

  4. Sorry to hear that. But In all honesty it not something that should make you feel ashamed of yourself. If anything maybe ask him to meet you in the middle and try doing it in the shower. That’s how I do it if one of my parents wants to have sex on their period. Hope it works out for ya

  5. Nothing is wrong with you periods are completely normal and not gross. Tell him that he doesn’t have to and agree on something that makes you both comfortable, also maybe try talking to him about how it makes you feel when he acts like that about ur period.

  6. Shower sex is lots of fun to have PIV without clean up. Otherwise A bj is a great option. You can remained clothed and just “serve” him or you can strip down to just cute panties and let him use a vibrator through your panties and get off too. If you feel miserable because of cramps or feel too heavy to do it, just have a break for those 1,2,3 days or whatever. I’m sure he’s glad you still want to give him pleasure during it.

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