Hi all,

I just need to vent. I’ve been talking to this guy for a few months now online and he told me that he is wanting to settle down, have kids etc. We connected so well online and finally met him in person last night after I had a few too many to drink.
we went back to his place in which he started to take my clothes off and he said to me “it seems like you don’t wanna do this”. I was really nervous and just said that I wanted too. we started to have sex for like 5 seconds then he got up out of the bed and sat on the edge of the bed going on his phone in awkward silence. So I decided to get up and told him I was leaving.
His building is all fobe entry so he had to walk me down. The whole time he’s just on his phone. I got to my car and I noticed he blocked me on everything. I feel like such an embarrassment and as if there’s something wrong with me. I’m also terrified I have an STD

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