So I’m in high school and about 3 weeks ago I (M16) asked this girl (F15) out. She said yes and about a week or 2 later she became my girlfriend. Ever since then I’ve been noticing a decline in quality and quantity in our conversations, and I don’t know if it’s her or me. She’s been working all week and I might be able to chalk it up to her just being tired but I’m not sure. I really just want to know if there’s anything I can do to restore our conversations and stuff. It’s worth mentioning that it’s only like this through text and in person we’re still very much interactive with each other.

tldr- need help having good conversation but don’t know how because it’s my first time

  1. As someone who works full time it’s definitely a possibility she could be tired if you ask her how work went and she mentions it’s tiring and or stressful then you have your answer try finding out her passions (if you don’t already know them) and try sparking a conversation based on them and see if that helps!

  2. Next time you see her in person ask her if she prefers to text or call or talk in person.
    Personally I prefer to talk to people over text but plenty of my friends and family prefer to talk in person.
    If you two still have good quality conversations in person then she is probably most likely tired from work and or doesn’t like to text much.

    Never hurts to ask.

  3. Try keep texts light. Memes or stuff like that. My dude hates reading stuff. So talking on video call about stuff works better.

  4. If it’s only like this through texting, don’t take it to heart. Text is a medium of communication meant to persist through varied circumstances – no matter who a person is with, how their week has been, the amount of homework they have, etc, and it therefore shouldn’t be considered a full representation of a person’s interest. If she is actively engaged in conversation and pleased to be with you when you two are together, then it’s not worth worrying over. She might just not like texting that much.

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