My(23F) ex boyfriend and I recently broke up, and my friend(24M) offered me his place to stay. This was about 3 months ago, but we’ve been friends since we were kids so I settled right in.

We’ve always been very comfortable around each other and he’s been doing a great job taking care of me. I’m 20 weeks pregnant and he’s been doing nearly all the cooking/cleaning even taking me to my doctors appointments. I’ve always had some feelings for him but they’ve just escalated recently.

Last night, he came home from a date and brought a girl home. I’ve been pretty jealous of him bringing girls home recently and this time I finally told him how I felt when she had went to the bathroom and we were awkwardly left together in the living room. He was surprised, but apologized then asked the girl to leave making up an excuse about being tired.

I literally poured my heart out I was so emotional and he admitted that he felt the same way but didn’t think that I had feelings for him. He didn’t want to say anything to complicate things. We talked for hours before we finally hooked up and now I’ve been awake in shock while he’s still asleep. So much for not complicating things.

But like where do I go from here? Do I ask him what we are or just play it by ear? I don’t want to move out but I don’t know how this all will work now

TLDR: I hooked up with my roommate and I don’t know where to go from here

  1. So fresh out of a relationship, pregnant and hooking up with a friend you just moved in with…… ummmm not trying to be rude but you need to work on your impulse control. Maybe work on yourself, maybe have a talk if this guy is serious and wants to raise someone else’s kid, maybe make a 5 year plan and see if he fits into that.

  2. lol girl you need to focus on yourself hooking up with your friend fresh out of a relationship and while pregnant kinda questionable get a grip.

  3. He told you he’s not looking for anything serious.. believe him. He can still be sleeping with other women cause you aren’t exclusive

  4. The first thing you need to do is have conversation with him and ask him if he is interested in having serious relationship with you or not . It is best to have clear picture of what your relationship is other than assuming.

    The second thing is ,are you really into this guy or you hooked up with him because you don’t want any other woman to have him or because of hormones from pregnancy. Evaluate yourself and your feelings .

    The third thing is , are you financially secure to survive without any man with your child . The first priority should be focusing on yourself and working on your life and I hope you are prepared to look after the child and not depend on this guy friend of yours coz he can leave any time.

  5. “he admitted that he felt the same way but didn’t think that I had feelings for him”

    Guy friends 101 people, it’s here for ya

  6. This is messy but atleast honest atm. Keep it that way. Tell him 100% how you feel and ask him how he feels. Live with the consequences. You are here now, there is no going back. The biggest mistake you two can make is not communicating and being open with eachother. That will screw this up fast. So just avoid that at all costs. If he wants something and you do to, do it. If one of you has a good reason not to go for it, then respect eachothers feelings.

  7. You’re fresh out of a relationship where you got pregnant even though obviously it wasn’t a very stable one. Steer clear of relationships and focus on your baby and yourself. You’re not making good decisions right and it’s no longer just you they will affect.

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