For me it would be the dips. When I first started working out as a skinny-fat teenager, I could barely do 1.
I actually hated that exercise the most, but my personal trainers (really just friends) made me keep going and now I’m at a point where I can do way more and it’s actually the exercise I genuinely look forward to in my workout. Now I’m spreading the good word of the dips.

Also arm gains💪🏾

So I’d be really interest what exercise or workout you guys love and would like to share here and why?

  1. My favorite single exercise to do at the gym? Reverse grip bench.

    At home? Run.

  2. Thanks for reminding me. I’m going to start attempting more dips. It’s one of those things that is actually functional

  3. I like the elliptical. I can just run and watch an episode of Stranger Things

  4. My personal current favorite is Bulgarian split squats. Really helps me notice individual leg weaknesses and feels a lot more targeted

  5. Dumbbell press. The right amount of challenging, plus a big contributor to a man’s sex appeal. Plus it feels great to walk out the gym with a nice pump in the pecs.

  6. Dedlifts. It makes you feel like an animal lifting all that weight. Or incline press of some kind – important if you want aeshthetic chest.

    Don’t really train at home anymore but it used to be handstand push-ups.

  7. Drag curls with an EZ Bar. Such an underrated and hardly utilized exercise, but it’s so good to get a pump in those arms. Don’t sleep on ‘em.

  8. When I could still go to the gym dips were probably top three. I like hanging leg lifts for the ABs. Cable/rope face pulls built my traps like crazy. My shoulders sloped almost from my ears. I did them a little different though I did not do them as a standing exercise. Butt on the floor, pulley at eye level, as much weight as you can move. Sets of five until failure on the first rep. Shouldn’t take more than four sets.

  9. Tricep cable extensions. For some reason they’re a muscle group that just grows crazy for me, so I feel great when I’m doing them.

  10. Punching bag workout. I sweat bucket loads when combining a quick fire boxing workout with some burpees. I’ve lost a bit of weight recently due to it

  11. Deadlift is the single most dominant movement imo. Got to be conventional though. Squats are a close 2nd

  12. Currently, inverted rows (technically “chair rows” at home, haha). Working on improving my pull-up count. There’s a pull-up bar and other setup at my local park so I go there each week to test to see my improvements.

  13. I like jumprope because I can get really into it and have fun listening to music. Also probably seated rows because they make my shoulders flare out.

  14. At the gym? Leg extensions or bicep curls.

    At home? Boulder bench press. Homemade rock gyms came in clutch during the pandemic.

  15. It’s bench, squat, or deadlift. Especially when dirty bulking, it’s fun being able to go up in weight every week. Cutting sucks in that regard, all you can hope for is to keep your max weight for 1 rep and progress is an uphill battle.

  16. Clean and Press – lifting a heavy weight overhead from the floor utilizes a wide range of pulling, pushing, and stabilizing muscles in the core. It has value for training power, speed, coordination, balance and strength. 5 reps performed every minute on the minute (EMOM) for multiple sets provides great bang of the buck if you have limited time.

  17. I love pull ups and squats. Both are super satisfying and really rewarding

  18. Zottman curl. Get compliments all the time about my arms after those bad boys.

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