I’m 23f nurse and a resident that I’ve never met before used our hospitals chatting system to give me his number. He sent “this might be forward but” and then just sent me his number. I talked to him for a couple minutes prior to this with some of the nurses I work with and he seemed cool but I wasn’t exclusively talking to him. Neither of us actually introduced each other so I’m guessing he just looked at my ID bag and searched for my name on my companies chatting system. I’m going to see this guy at work since he just started so I was wondering if it’s weird if I text him that I’m not interested. I don’t really feel like I can ignore him. It’ll be too awkward at work

  1. “sorry i’m not interested” or the classic ” i have a boyfriend” either way work

  2. Just ignore it. If he mentions it tell him you’re not interested in being friends with coworkers – or anything else

  3. Be honest. That’s nothing bad about it. The worse is leading him on. Be straightforward, that’s the best you can do 🙂

  4. If you’re going to respond just say you’re not interested. We’re adults. We all have to deal with rejection in life. He’ll live to shoot his shot at someone else another day.

  5. Sorry he created an awkward situation for you! It’s kinda creepy he would search your badge ID ngl. Also, very unprofessional of him since the messaging system shouldn’t be used for things like that. 1st case: like the others said, just say you don’t date coworkers/have a partner/person you’re involved with.

    If he’s persistent, you could always go to a trusted higher up if possible since you have proof(messages) of his advances. Sometimes people can get weird/dangerous after being rejected, but hopefully this guy can take it like an adult should.

  6. THIS IS CREEPY AND NOT OKAY. jesus christ what is wrong with the people here??? that is extremely creepy, inappropriate and unprofessional.

    **ignore the message. you are not obligated to acknowledge men’s creepy behavior.**

  7. Yeah he just took the advice people always give guys: “the worst she can say is no.” The worst you can say is no. Just say no politely, how he handles it is not your concern.

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