I was parked on the side of the road yesterday in area with PLENTY of other spots, including a whole free parking lot next to me. I got in my car and was checking my phone when some asshole in a truck got behind me and honked to get me to move… and I did! I was immediately so upset with myself! Would a more social person confront him or at least call the guy out in some way?

  1. I would have honked back and yelled for him to go around me. If there were plenty of other spots there was no need for him to honk at you and force you to move.

    But don’t beat yourself up over it. Many people handle certain situations differently.

  2. Was it because you were parked on the road instead of the whole free parking lot? If so, fair enough.

  3. I would have casually gotten out of my car, locked the doors, and walked away as though I wasn’t actually planning to leave. In other words, I would be as petty as possible in this situation.

  4. It’s important to understand that if someone honks at you for no apparent reason there is probably something very dangerous going on and they are trying to alert you. Stop or slow down. Check all your mirrors and blind spots. Continue to search the area for possible trouble. You may want to get out of the car and check the tires. Once you take a moment to calm down from the hightened anxiety, it is safe to proceed.

  5. Just pretend they must be honking at someone else and carry on with your business.

  6. You were allowed to be there. You had the right to stay exactly where you were. He had other options, but decided your spot was the one he wanted. It’s his fault for not being patient and waiting for you, and not having the awareness to find another spot to park

  7. Honestly ignore them especially if you are in the states not worth potentially losing your life over some idiot in traffic I personally don’t even look at them.

  8. I blow kisses. nah but in all seriousness I just ignore it most the time because lots of people have severe road rage and it’s not worth it. I don’t let it get to me.

  9. Ignore em dude. Im no bad ass, but Ive trained bbj and muy thai, did some stuff in the military, etc, , but that doesnt mean shit. Some people have major egos and if you confront them they take it as a physical challenge and words can escalate into physicality. Physical confrontation can escalate into being shot, stabbed, hit with a bat, run over, etc.

    One time I was having a bad day and some dude kept weaving in and out of traffic on the 5 fwy in LA in 10mph traffic. I shook my head at him like “come on man chill!”. He told me to roll down my window, which I did, and berated me, told me to pull over so we could fight, and when I declined tried to ram me off the road with his car. I almost crashed.

    Be the bigger person, ignore them, or wave and apologize. If they try and escalate, drive away and call law enforcement. They probably wont do anything, but at least youre on record stating whats happening if they decide to do something stupid.

  10. for me everytime no matter what the situation is a flick off only do this if you can back urself up in a fight lol

  11. I love when people honk .02 seconds after a light turns green.

    It happened once while visiting Virginia. I wasn’t in a rush, but still paying attention to the road. I’d fucking stayed put that entire green light and enjoyed the sound of his horn blaring.

    Don’t be a dick and maybe you’ll have a better time.

  12. Last time I had something like that I flipped the guy off.

    Not something you’d teach your children but damn it felt good.

  13. Play dumb ignore no reason to upset someone with control of a 2k pound car

  14. A polite person would pull up next to you and hand signal to ask if you were leaving.

    Pulls up and honks indicates an entitled dick. What if you were waiting for your friend to get out of the doctors or something.

    However, personally, I prefer to be situationally aware that someone else is waiting. This falls under the “shit happens”

    You pull out, and give them the little wave that says “sorry, wasn’t paying attention” and don’t give it another thought.

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