I notice that when I’m about to meet a friend, I would usually have a specific emotion (joy, tiredness, etc…) but when it’s time to meet and I see the other person, I start mirroring their emotions, idk why. E.g. if I was happy and they were anxious, I would start being anxious and not talk much, then when they crack a joke or a compliment, I would become joyful and playful. Is this good/normal/healthy in order to have good social skills?

  1. I guess it can help the situation a lot if you can show similar emotions towards the same thing but standing out and having your own opinion on something, going into a situation with a different emotion than others is what makes you interesting and shows you character.

    Stay yourself and don’t turn into something you think other people would like to see.

  2. From experience, I see it as a good thing because it feels nice to be in the same boat as someone else. That said, don’t *force* yourself to change your mood for the other person because that’s not what’s *natural* to you. Here in socialskills one of the top advices is to be yourself 😉

    I think what you described is simply you being genuine, because it’s what you do by instinct. You get affected easily by what others feel and that’s totally normal for a lot of people!

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