So I’ve been seeing this girl for a little over 2 months now. On our last date we were talking and she mentioned something about how she shares her location with family and her guy best friend but has been annoyed by him because I guess he sometimes checks her location and gets jealous and starts asking where she’s at and who she’s with being all over protective. This prompted me to ask her if he has a thing for her and she says he does and that everyone in her family knows and that she just doesn’t see herself with him at all and that she’s has to put her foot down at one point to tell him again apparently because she doesn’t want to ruin their friendship. I just don’t know how to take it even after saying all that about him like I’m still worried about him maybe getting in the way or eventually trying something on her.

  1. RUN!!! This just isn’t a good situation 2 months in. If she can’t reject an actively jealous and sabotaging “friend” because she doesn’t want to end the friendship, you need to remove yourself if it’s going to bother you. This guy is only going to shit talk and sabotage you more. The fact that she knows he’s into her and enables her behavior is even worse. Not worth the drama at this point unless you REALLY like her.

  2. I have no problem with friends of the opposite sex, but this guy is an orbiter. He’s not a real friend and this is a mess I wouldn’t get involved in.

  3. Yeah, he is a “nice” guy she needs to drop him or he is going to try and ruin all her relationships. You can try and date but don’t be surprised when he keeps feeding poison to her about your relationship.

  4. There is a line, and this crosses it, on his behalf

    You need to tell her it makes you uncomfortable and she needs to choose.

    She will then choose you, but go behind your back to still be friends.

    TLDR; Break up.

  5. He probably will try something but it shouldn’t matter. She has already rejected him and apparently has no interest in him. It would be way easier for her to date him but she is actively choosing not to. Of all the men who will pass through her life, he is probably the least concerning. Maybe he will get it together and act like a real friend or maybe he will push her to the point she doesn’t want to deal with it. Either way, I wouldn’t be concerned other than he sounds like a potential stalker in the making who she will have to deal with at some point.

  6. What i would want to say if she asks why:

    “Im sorry but this isnt going to work. It seems like you have trouble setting boundaries and handling conflicts.

    Im not going to tell you who you can and cant be friends with but im not getting involved in whatever situation you have going on with him.

    Not wanting the friendship to end isnt a good reason to let this happen IMO but hes not acting like a friend to begin with.

    I hope the best for you.”

    What i would actually say cause i dont have time for BS:

    “Its not gonna work good luck bye”

  7. The fact that her friend is a guy isn’t the issue. It’s the fact that she can’t maintain boundaries.

    Also, location sharing like this is fucking ridiculous. But that’s neither here nor there.

  8. She’s bangin this dude bro… pretty obvious, think about it. It’s okay for your girlfriend to have male friends but if there’s history there and dude obviously likes her then there’s no way she hasn’t led him on in some type of way. She’s playin games with you and that dude 🤷‍♂️

  9. That’s not a “guy best friend”. You have been warned.

    She knows he has feelings for her. You have been warned again.

    She is valuing her friendship with the guy best friend more than her relationship with you. I am warning you one last time. Wake up bro.

  10. Why does this sounds like my boyfriend to his girl bestfriend?? Lol! They are also friends for 6 yrs! Confessed to this girl, got dumped and became besties!

  11. From my experience: cut out the drama and find a new girlfriend. Women with a ‘guy best friend’ never seem to work out, she apparently has trouble setting boundaries if she doesn’t cut the guy out after his behaviour.

  12. Real small dick energy you cockteasing priss. Stop breadqcrumping and find whatever you call a dick

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