My reason: I just want to take a rest (from work, socialization, etc.).

Situation: I have a close friend, she’s extremely outgoing, she lacks self-awareness and talks about herself everytime we meet. I feel like she invites me to just listen (I can feel she cares too, though. She just lacks the awareness that she can be over the top).

I feel like I’ve been her outlet of whatever she wants to express. Out of nowhere, she usually invites me to go out and hang out. But I feel so exhausted by her everytime.

Question: is there not-so-rude way to turn her down? Temporarily or permanently, anything will do. I do sincerely care for her as a friend, but I’ve been tired long. I do not feel exactly the same with my other close friends though; it is with her, that it’s tiring every single time.

Note: I consider myself an introvert. I do not go out every chance I get not to go out.

Thank you very much. I cross-posted this in another related subreddits. I searched for previous posts but the questions did not specifically address this.

  1. I’ve had this kind of friend before and she was the only close friend i had. I got annoyed at some point and slowly backed out of her life. Now I don’t have a best friend anymore. Feels pretty lonely… kind of regret it. Just tell her you need some time off, after awhile you’ll be needing her company again even if it’s going to be annoying.

  2. Tell her how often you’re free. “I can only see you once a week,” or twice a month, or once a month, whatever you can handle. Otherwise you’ll be dealing with this constantly.

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