Guys, how do you contain yourself or stay loyal to your partner? I’m 25yrs old, and maan there are girls that I just want to experience.

  1. Everyone is different. I’ve never cheated in my life. Been in lots of long terms and now married. I never would cheat. Because that is disgusting behavior. Focus on your SO and your relationship. If you don’t like your relationship, get single, then find someone else. I’ve always had amazing adventurous sex. There isn’t anything I’d want sexually from anyone else. Seeing another ‘pretty girl’ means nothing to me. Because the girls I’ve been with have all been amazing in bed. I wouldn’t want anything else. But, some relationships did fizzle out just because we weren’t compatible in other ways. But, now with my wife that is perfect for me in every way. There is not a chance in hell I would entertain another girl in any intimate way.

  2. Stay single. I got married way too young and other than my children it is one of my great regrets.

  3. Never felt a need to contain myself. Already got that phase out of my system earlier on and realized that the vast majority of girls are pretty meh and bring nothing to the table once you strip away the make up and sexy clothing. In contrast to my partner who is an amazing human being in addition to being stunning. Simply have no reason to pick anyone else over her. And if there ever was that big of a need, I would question why be in a relationship in the first place.

  4. Think about how many Windows you’ve looked through. They all provide a unique view, but really they’re all the same.

    Think about it. Meet girl, make girl laugh, convince girl, get genitalia wet, squirt squirt….

    Then what? Move on? Find something else? Repeat the process?

    How is that different from jacking off?

    What’s the point?

    It wasn’t sex that convinced me to stick around. Cause, sex is great, but she provided an environment and a feeling of security I’d never felt nor found again.

    She’s mine, I’m her’s. And that statement gives me more fulfillment than emptying my cojones.

    Pleasure, lasts only as long as your physical endurance. Love, transcends pleasure.

  5. I get that, men regret the women we DON’T sleep with, women regret the men that they DO sleep with. Self love often keeps me from being an animal🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. I don’t get into a relationships I’m not ready to 100% commit. If you feel like exploring other options, stay single instead of breaking the poor girls heart in the future.

  7. You haven’t figured out yet what you want. Your head isn’t in your relationship if that’s what you’re thinking. If your main goal is to “experience” more women then you’re not doing yourself or your partner any favors by sticking around. Unfortunately, once you let go of her, she’s not coming back (if she has any self respect), so you may find yourself looking back and realizing you let “the one” get away.


    My advice: if she makes you happy, if you’re good together, then focus on that and enjoy your relationship rather than trying to “experience” everything then choosing later. Life doesn’t work that way. Trust me, a truly good relationship is a valuable thing and not something to waste. Not worth throwing away just to “experience” someone else just because of FOMO/YOLO. There will ALWAYS be someone prettier, sexier, smarter, funnier, whatever. If you’re not focused on what you have, you’ll lose it before you realize it.

    Source: Life

  8. Which ever way you choose to go, you’ll have regrets. We’re always missing out on something.

    It’s just a matter of knowing what we’ll miss the most.

  9. Break up with your girl. Before you cheat on her.

    Getting cheated on sucks.

    Then go play the field.

  10. Well if you want my two cents, don’t be in a relationship in your twenties. Expirence life, just send it.

  11. If you’re thinking that way it’s time to get out. Trust me. Have fun then later you’ll meet someone great.

  12. Let the thoughts flow through and out of you and move on. Rub one out. Spend some dim-lit time with your partner. It’s simple.

  13. Real talk homie. Smash em. As many as you can. You’ll learn a valuable lesson.

  14. If you can’t be loyal to your relationship and the “rules” or agreements of that relationship, don’t be in a relationship.

    If you want to act single and have lots of women then be single and have lots of women. Don’t destroy someone’s trust and sanity because you feel a little tingly in your pants.

  15. I’m glad you can recognize this fault of yours. Personally I am around your age but I could never dream of cheating on my gf.

    Are you not having sexual experiences with your partner? Do you not find her attractive? Are you not happy with her?

    Maybe this us a mindset I can’t understand. Sure, looking at ass and tits is normal. But if you’re getting the urge to cheat, either find a way to fix it or leave the relationship before you do something bad.

  16. Welcome to mens nature. Simple answer though:

    Do you think that the relationship is worth more than the ***assumed*** opportunities you might have when being single?

    If you think yes, break up with her and spin plates. If not: Realize you are just a human who sometimes craves some variety but shrug it off because that you have in your relationship exceeds potential casual encounters in value (or in short: Move on).

  17. You’re pretty young and your question stems from immaturity. No offence intended, we’ve all been there.

    A long time ago a friend asked me a similar question. I told him that love isn’t the person you think you can live with. Love is the person you think you can’t live without.

    When you find that person you’ll have the answer to your question.

  18. Couple of things that stick out to me, no harsh judgement intended, just observations and thoughts.

    First, the answer is simple: I’m not driven by animal desires, i can contain myself because i’m human and have some selfrestraint.

    You use the term “Girls that i want to experience” in your title, it may be that english isn’t your first language, or you didn’t mean it like this AT ALL, to me it sounds like you see these women as ‘objects’ or rides in an entertainmentpark. They’re people with lives, interrests etc. Just because *you* want to experience *them* doesn’t mean they feel the same way.

    In your replies to other comments i notice two things. One being that you love what you have, won’t leave your partner and have a baby on the way (congrats by the way) which is nice to hear seeing the title.
    The other is that you seem to use words/phrases like “i haven’t done anything yet” or “the plan is..” which to me sounds like you’re building in a loophole for yourself or at least keeping your options open.

    Again, i could be totally wrong, this is just what i see.

    There is no shame in fantasizing or looking at other women (not to be confused with staring and following them with your eyes), but keep it in your pants untill you get home.

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