What’s written on the walls in the women’s restrooms?

  1. I’ve seen penises drawn onto the stalls, mostly when I was in school though lol

  2. My favorite is “FLUSH THE TOILET YOU FUCKING DEGENERATES”, written on a stall in the art building of my college campus.

  3. It’s either,

    “You are beautiful, inside and out 💓”


    “Brenda is a boyfriend stealing bitch”

  4. At my old school someone wrote I see you and an arrow pointing up above the one toilet with a vent above it and also I remember a simple You Suck right on the door at eye level when you are on the toilet. The teachers always tried to clean it off but some little shit would rewrite same thing or add more to it haha

  5. Nothing. We are too busy pooping. Maybe somethin like “Love yourself” on the mirror though.

  6. Messages telling you that loser never deserved you, name-calling who bitches are, more notes to the bitch note calling that person a sore loser loool

  7. A large variety of things. Anything from inspirational, to random, to… Questionable. “You can do it/you’re beautiful/love yourself” are common ones. Sometimes full-length poetry or song lyrics (who has time to write these..??), other times nonsense like, “wow!”/”do you like dogs?”/”vandalism is fun”. and even names of couples in hearts (particularly in high school). Most interesting thing I’ve seen is “♡Milfs♡” on a stall door. Gave me a chuckle.

  8. if you feel unsafe go to the bar and order an ~drink name here~ and the barstaff will know to help you!

  9. My favorite was “Ladies, if you love your partner, have some class. Don’t write their name where you wipe your ass.”

  10. “Please don’t write here”
    “You just did”
    “<– Don’t listen to her” arrow directed to the first one

    This was written at my retail job that closed down and renovated to a different store.

  11. My fav is the big block letters on the stall’s trash can in my local dive bar “THE BLOODY BOX”

  12. from what i’ve seen in high school, just full of curse words and inappropriate words/ illustrations 🤦🏻‍♀️

    sometimes ppl write their names, their social media @‘s

  13. I recently saw “do no harm but take no shit.”

    It was next to “LISA LOVES COCAINE”

  14. Cuss words. A fuck lot of cuss words.

    There also a few love confessions.

    One wall even had this written:

    “Chambers of Secrets has been opened again. Beware the enemies of the heir.”

  15. My favorite was “I <3 threading my teeth with pubic hair (male, female, whatever) just give me organic pubes <3” in cutesy cursive writing.

    It was an interesting pee.

  16. My favourite piece of latrinalia is an unelaborated hashtag that just reads:


  17. “Draw a line if ur pissed”
    Had like 40 lines before it was covered
    “F*ckboys <3”
    Hidden under the sink, so that it can only be seen if you sit on the porcelain throne

  18. During my last year at HS one of the girls bathroom was constantly filled with second hand furniture and decorations (they were very plain standard-looking bathrooms) yet girls would bring in framed paintings, coat racks, vases full of flowers, lamps and even a loveseat at one point. For the whole year this one bathroom was always decorated like my grandma’s apartment. I miss high school.

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