I never posted anything but I felt weird last night, on our way to driving back to my place I opened up to my girlfriend on how sad and throwable I feel with friends.

I explain, people thinks I´m funny generally and like me when we see each other, but when I’m away, most of the times I never get a text on how I’m doing, I’m the only one texting, they aren’t talking to me, they’re replying. Like when I was at school when the vacation arrives, nobody text me or anything.

So I was crying and expressing my self on how I felt alone by my own and what did I do wrong to get to this situation. 10 minutes of silence passed, we arrived I ask her why didn’t she said anything, and told me 15minutes after that she already heard that and she can’t do anything so she prefer to let it pass.
I then told her that I know that but unfortunately this still on my head and I don’t want her to do miracle but juste get me to her arm and to told me that she is here or just making me feel she is with me. But none.

To delock this situation I got to joke around and act like I’m back to normal and the happy fellow that I’m everyday. Then everything goes back to normal.

I’m here to ask you what should I do, how can I explain more than the 20minutes arguing where I wanted her only to cuddle me cause I was sure I would feel better after. She said I put to much pression on her but I keep my feelings inside and sometime it arrives I blow down in tears. (Once every 2 month I guess, it makes 4month we’re together)

Hope my English isn’t that rusty.

  1. Some people don’t like crying , It’s turn off for them and send them wrong message about you to them , she is one of those people , Explanation won’t help

  2. it sounds like she’s not very caring tbh. maybe she’s more of a “men shouldn’t cry or show emotion” type person (toxic mindset btw!)
    you should maybe try to find someone who’s more supportive and affectionate 🙁

  3. She doesn’t sound like someone who you should give your time to. They don’t really care about your feelings it seems and you deserve someone who will love, respect, and cuddle you! Without you having to beg for it

  4. In my opinion, your girlfriend is not as much of a problem as you think. The problem is in you, in the fact that you don’t consider yourself a valuable person, because it obviously bothers you when your friends aren’t around. I’ve had similar problems to you, when I felt unappreciated or ignored in a certain environment. The only thing I can advise you that has helped me is to understand that people have their own lives, their own problems, or just aren’t who you think they are. It may sound brutal, but people in this day and age and in our generation (I’m 21 so I think I know what I’m talking about) just don’t give a fuck. Not demanding mountains and heavens from other people has helped me a lot too, less expectations = less disappointment. Focus on yourself, it sounds like some motivational shit, but the truth is you’re going to be on your own your whole life, not your mom, girlfriend or friend, those things pass and you’re present all the time.

    If I were you I would try to talk about it, with your friends and with your girlfriend. I realize it can be difficult or embarrassing. Talking probably won’t solve the problem, and it might even make it worse, but at least you’ll admit to yourself that you tried in some way. Maybe you’ll learn something about you from a different point of view?

    I’m not a psychologist or a life expert, but if you feel bad in some environment or relationship (and if you feel that affects your life) you either try to clean it up or just leave. And if you think the beginning of the post implies something then I apologize. I’m not trying to insinuate anything.

    Life is hard. Hang in there king.

  5. Real talk, work on spelling and grammar.

    If you “open on someone” but they ignore it, bring it up and see what they say. If she is still unwilling to treat you like a person, who has feelings, then tell her why you deserve to be heard. If she still ignores tell her you need space. Consider a new GF.

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