Do you give them away to charity straight away? Try to find a use for them? Put in the back of a cupboard and forget about it? Re-gift them?

  1. They kind of just live in my closet/wherever until the next time I move. Then I toss it. It’s not intentional but that’s usually what ends up happening.

  2. I usually hang onto them for a while out of feeling obligated to.. maybe just in case they ask about the gift? Usually donate after a while.

  3. it depends on who the sender is – if it’s someone close to me e.g immediate family or s/o, i’ll keep it 98% of the time. otherwise i’ll regift it to someone who’d appreciate it more or donate it if i don’t think it’s something worth gifting.

  4. If it’s from a friend or a family member, I’ll keep it and call them to say thank you. They put in some effort to choose/make me something so I can’t just give it away.

    If it’s from a stranger/creepo, I’ll return it asap. Lol this reminds me of my friend. A guy tried to buy her with gifts, expensive gifts. She kept those gifts but paid him back. I’ll probably do the same if I can’t find the item in stores/online.

  5. Give them to someone who would find better use for them, or let them collect dust.

  6. Just keep them. I stopped getting stuff I didn’t ask for a long time ago so they don’t take up that much space in my house just a small box in a corner. Also, I got them around when I was a kid so if for example I’m going through boxes and see the socks I got for Christmas that one year and hated it because I was a kid and wanted toys not cloths, those socks remind me more times than not that I need new socks so time to get excited because woo hoo new socks!

  7. I always end up storing them away somewhere where they will inevitably stay for an indefinite period of time.

  8. if its like mugs and chocolates etc i salvage The materials i use mugs to make mug cakes, chocolates well chocolates.

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