What’s your view on testosterone fuelled movies like Gladiator, The Wolf of Wall Street, 300 etc?

  1. Predator is so fun. And you can also see the American political system failing in real time.

  2. I don’t consider them “testosterone-fueled” first of all.

    Sword-and-sandal fantasy movies like Gladiator and 300 are standard quasi/faux fantasy histories done in mythic/superheroic style. Other than some extremely problematic racism/ethnic negative stereotypes and some incredibly bad history, they are pretty standard movies in their genre.

    I didn’t see The Wolf of Wall Street because it looked incredibly boring and not worth my time, so I don’t know about that one.

  3. Wolf of Wall Street had me and my husband seriously considering quitting our jobs to become stockbrokers or high end escorts.

  4. I feel like lumping Gladiator into this category is unfair. It is my favorite movie of all time and I think it’s so much more than just action – you have some really intriguing characters, relationships, and development. It’s certainly not just mindless action.

    I enjoy historical war movies a lot. I can’t say I appreciate action movies that are unrealistic, or otherwise plot less.

  5. I haven’t seen Wolf of Wall Street but the other ones you mentioned and similar style movies I find pretty boring.

  6. Gladiator is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Haven’t noticed anything about it being “testosterone-fueled” at all. Amazing story, epic music, great ending. It’s just awesome and one of my all-time favorites.

  7. Not sure I consider them testosterone fueled, particularly gladiator. If I was a female gladiator and someone raped and murdered my wife/husband and ran my child down on horseback then hung and burned their bodies for me to find I would quite possibly go on a revenge quest too. I don’t think revenge/justice storylines are just for men.

    Wolf of Wall Street was just a monument to one man’s excess and I found it mostly boring.

    300 I could see the testosterone in. Those movies are just ok I’m not a huge fan but I don’t hate them. They’re based on mythology that’s male centered so 🤷

  8. Like any category of movie, if the movie is well-done, it’s enjoyable to me.

    I enjoyed Gladiator, Wolf of Wall Street, and 300. Predator is another testosterone fueled movie and I love it. It’s so good. Full Metal Jacket, also a fantastic movie and VERY testosterone-fueled. It simply has to be to tell the story it needs to tell.

    Meanwhile, Rocky IV is a testosterone-fueled dump. A pathetic sequel cash grab. Really bad movie and no amount of 80s nostalgia is going to make it good.

  9. I love action movies so long as they’re fun and well made. The Bourne movies (with the exception of Legacy and the 4th one) are some of my fav comfort watches along with several of the Mission Impossible movies (#1, 5, 6) and many Michael Mann movies.

    Gladiator: Not a huge fan. Found it trite and boring at times. Not my preferred Ridley Scott.

    Wolf of Wall Street: I prefer earlier Scorceses. Found this one too long and let Jordan Belfort off the hook too easily.

    300: Enjoyable as high camp. Snyder movies approach heroic masculinity in such an absurdly narrow way it’s inadvertently hilarious.

  10. Don’t know those movies but I loathe testosterone fueled movies with my entire being

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