I met up with this girl I know for a walk a couple days ago, followed by a drink at a local bar.

We’ve met a few times at this volunteering group we both go to, it involves outdoorsy / hiking activities but this is the first time we’ve met just the two of us (it was kinda her who suggested it).

It seemed to go nicely but I cant tell if she likes me just as a friend or not because:

1. She doesn’t seem particularly flirty – but then, neither am I… I’m too shy for that despite me being chatty and sociable
2. She is **really** hot – to the point where I would have thought she was totally outta my league
3. It sometimes takes her forever to text me back, like 1–2 weeks at a time, when we were trying to arrange us meeting up (she undoubtedly has lots of guys chasing her)

She seems keen to meet up again… but how do I find out if she likes me as more than a friend?

Bear in mind Im no good at ‘initiating / escalating’ when dating, that only seems to happen when the woman does it (and she doesn’t seem like the type)

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