Okay so as the title states my gf is adopting pets I love animals but I’m allergic to them for the most part and she knows this. She moved in with me last month after my roommate moved out and we’re using his old room as a pet room. She had just a cat originally which kinda bothered my allergies but I tolerate it because I love her. Well 2 days after she moved in she came home with another cat that her coworker needed to give away because her apartment didn’t allow them. I felt irritated because I’ve previously told her my opinion on this matter and she chose to ignore it. Fast foward 2 weeks and she adopted a damn Australian shepherd that is quite possibly the most hyperactive dog on the face of the planet and I literally cannot breathe because of my allergies. My house now smells like a zoo,that dog is chewing everything up and I have to take care of them because she works long hours at work. I literally have no idea how to approach this situation at this point we’ve been together for a year but this past month has been absolutely miserable for me but I don’t want to lose her over pets.

  1. Tell her that living with all these pets is overwhelming and that something needs to change. Acknowledge that she’s helping give these animals a good life, but it’s getting to be too much for you to take and most of them need to find new homes.

  2. It’s never ok to introduce an animal/pet without full consent of your partner. Period. Rehome them.

  3. >She moved in with me last month

    Then tell her to get rid of them. How amazingly rude to move into your place and then suddenly start hoarding pets.

    Put your foot down.

  4. She is being a total asshole.

    In the first place, NO ONE who works long hours should adopt a shepherd. These are working dogs and they need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. No wonder the poor thing chews everything up. And please don’t tell me you live in an apartment…

    Second, what part of you being allergic does she not understand?

    Third, why in the world would she bring two more pets into the house after you agreed on one?

    She is a shitty gf, OP. Isn’t that all you need to know?

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