My last two relationship where good but always lacked when it came to sexual compatibility. Wich is really frustrating and was also the reason for the last relationship to end.
But how do you find someone that matches you? Is it just try and error and a bit of luck? I mean it’s not like you just put your preferences in you online dating profile.

  1. It’s so difficult and it’s a problem I’ve had in previous relationships too. I wish I had something magical to tell you but I don’t. I’m strictly fwb now for the past couple of years mostly with the same guy and we click sexually, this is a complete first for me. We’re purely exclusive fwb though, but have been for over 18 months. I met him and just felt the sexual energy crackle from us. And I was 100% right. It’s phenomenal.

  2. The older the get, the more I encounter dudes who either can’t keep it up or can’t orgasm during sex. I wish I knew the answer to this question lol.

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