My mom isn’t in my life and never taught me all these things about crushes or dating. I’ve never dated a guy before, or even kissed one. Most of the time when I like someone I push them away and slowly stop talking w them. This guy though is really different!

I was at a summer camp that was a sleep away, one month long, that ended 2 weeks ago. There, I made friends with a guy I’ll just call Josh. Josh and I had both been going to this camp for like 4 years so I knew him, but we basically never talked before. Me, him, and 2 other boys were like a small friend group over the summer. The two other boys left during the third week so it was just me and Josh a lot. I ended up crushing on him pretty hard, still am, and I just don’t know what he thinks of me! Some moments that really stick out:

– he taught me how to play sudoku (i had never heard of it before) and we would sit and do it together for multiple hours
– At my camp we had a final project and mine was a presentation, which I hate doing! I ended up doing good and getting a good grade, but after my presentation was over, i started crying and ran to the bathroom. I came back like 20 min later and stood quietly in the back. Josh got up almost immediately when he saw me and sat by me the rest of the time (around an hour). He just kept complimenting me and telling me how good I did, and whenever someone else would do some mistake, he would jokingly say like “hey you didnt do that, yours was so much better!”
– we had to get covid tested at one point because of an exposure and I hate medical anything. I started getting super teary-eyed and panicked. He sat with me and comforted me for like an hour while waiting for my turn, like we were laying in the grass next to each other and he was just relating to my fear; it was very nice. After I tested he also sat with me for like 20 minutes after.
– He was trying to read my book with me! This is kind of relevant to me at least because it was a medical psychology book, not like Harry Potter or anything!
– We had a “dance” on the last night (literally just went into a room and danced; nothing special) and me and him sat next to each other and he was leaning on me and he got up to dance with one of his friends but he came back and did the same thing, until i got up to dance and he followed
– on the last night me and a couple other people, including him, went out to the field nearby and just laid down. me and him laid next to each other and he like leaned on me and we just sat in silence, occasionally talking about how pretty it was

i cant tell if he actually liked me or not or we were just, like, close friends. neither of us ever mentioned liking each other, so i dont know. we have texted a couple times but it was brief or rather dry. was he just like that because he kind of couldnt be away from me in the sense of, we were stuck at camp together, or maybe he is just bad at texting? idk. it’s always been me who starts the few conversations we have had since we left, and i really like him but idk!!

tldr: i like this guy a lot and im pretty sure he liked me too, but i cant tell and i dont know how to go about things going forward with him.

1 comment
  1. Well tbh he is super young and most definitely not as confident as he will be when he gets older and it’s definitely clear that he likes you just doesn’t know how to tell you because he’s super inexperienced. So I would definitely try to muster up the courage and tell him how you feel. Ps woman have a much higher success rate when making the first move . And worst case scenario he says no and you make peace with the fact that you have no regrets. Hope this helps 🙏🏼

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