No issue with the blood. I (29f) had sex with my bf(30) close to the end of my period. It usually is even better than regular sex, he agrees. It felt amazing for me about a week ago. He didn’t tell me that night but he couldn’t feel my walls. I told him I’ve been wanting to have sex and I want him to initiate because I can tell he’s not in the mood. I kept telling him n he said ok. Last night I could tell he wasn’t into it and this morning also.
He’s always been insecure about his penis size and thinks that’s why he can’t feel me.
I feel unwanted. The past months were terrible cos I got my period 4 times in less than 3 months as a side effect of birth control. It was hell being on birth control for us because of my physical and mental changes. That’s probably a factor.
Him not feeling me last week was probably just the worst for him.
I’m off birth control and feeling better. Idk how to get back to where we were.

  1. how does his insecurity effect the physical sensitivity of his dick? that doesn’t add up.

  2. Okay so sometimes when there’s a lot of lube or other liquid, it gets difficult for a guy to feel things during PIV. So if you were bleeding a bunch, that + your lube could have made you so wet that there wasn’t enough friction to feel much.

    The usual solution is to wipe off his dick during sex, to remove some of the wetness and restore some friction. More than once, if necessary. When you’re bleeding, try keeping paper towels, baby wipes, or dark-colored washcloths next to the bed, so they’re easy to grab while fucking.

    You can reassure him – his penis size hasn’t changed and you still enjoy it. Nor is it your fault if you’re extra wet during your period. These things just happen, and we all learn to roll with it.

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