My best friend said how she doesnt have anyone to go on holiday with and basically forced me into taking her on my couple trip with my boyfriend.

She is a friend who easily picks up arguments over small things and gets very easily fired up and passionate about even smallest things.

Anyways I love her and know her well so I took her on a trip with us.

My boyfriend met his friends and there was this fence. I was afraid to climb it and they all did so my best friend and boyfriend started saying I’m no fun and basically got mad at me and left me alone.

I got mad and I’m still mad at them for doing this to me and instead of validating why I feel like this they teamed up to say why should I allow them to have fun and why I didn’t join them..

I feel terrible and I wanna confront them but I don’t know how because they are teamed up now. I notice my bf is down all day and feels bad but it doesn’t make it less bad of what happened. My best friend acts like nothing happened although I’m acting little bit cold just not to make drama in front of my boyfriends friends and talk about this right now.

Tl;dr my bf and best friend teamed up on me and I feel very intoxicated from my relationship with the 2 of them. How should I address this issue?

1 comment
  1. well… I would reflect on how it all really happened. the tone you used with each other, what words you both used. because there are two possibilities. the first is that everyone went out to do an activity that everyone wanted to do and when you saw that you couldn’t participate, instead of turning around and doing something else alone, you were unreasonable and thought that if you couldn’t, no one would be able to continue. or when you can’t keep up with them, they were unreasonable with you and disrespected you.or it could be both.

    but I would stop, breathe, and reflect on what really happened.

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